Tuesday, February 27

Winter Wonderland

This past Saturday it was a nice mild day, so Ryan and I decided to bundle up James and take him on a winter walk. We rigged up his carseat by using tarp straps and attached him to the toboggan. It worked great! We hadn't got very far, and he fell right to sleep. Here are a few pictures from our family outting.


Amber said...

That is way too much fun ;) I love the snowflakes on his eyelashes in that last picture!! I bet you can't wait to spend more time outside with James as the weather gets warmer!!

Oh, and in answer to your question, I don't think I'll be making it to Morning Out today. It's already 9:22, I am typing this from the comforts of my bed, AND Hailey is still sleeping. Even if she does wake up right now, 7 minutes won't quite be enough time to make it to church ;) We NEVER seem to connect there, weird!!

Heather said...

I LOVE IT!! what a great idea. james looks all comfy in there. so sweet.

Andrea said...

Aww...James looks so cute and peaceful in there!! We take Tate on rides in the snow too, but we just put some blankets in the bottom of one of those superstore bins, and bundle him up and put him in there...and then we pull him around in that! It's very nice because it's easy to work with and he can't fall out or anything since the sides are so high...but yep, Tate falls asleep in the bin too! :) It's so fun to do things like this with them though!

Drea said...

so cool! and hes so cute. I love the ears.
they get cuter and cuter. Is cuter a word? :-)

Jamie said...

That looks like fun. James is so cute in that last picture!

Renee Shaw said...

cute pictures! I love going for walks in winter...that is when it's not super cold! When we take Preston for walks (we have a jogger and it still works great in winter!) it never takes long and he's asleep as well!

Brandi said...

Oh no! I was going to comment on how precious he looked with the snowflakes on the eylashes, but I see amber beat me to it!