Sunday, February 11

Preach It, Sista!

I didn't really create this blog as a place to "preach", but I have something on my heart - and I'd love to share it with you.

Have you ever happened to hear a father repeatedly ask his child to wait for something, and then one day hear him say, "okay, NOW you are ready"? I think specifically about my own father telling me that I had to keep practicing with training wheels on my bike. I would beg him to take them off, but he would tell me, "No Heather, just one more week with the training wheels". Finally, when the week was over, I asked again, "Dad, can I have the training wheels off?". To my delight, he answered "Yes, now you are ready to try it without the training wheels". Even then, I was probably in for some scraped knees and a bruised ego - but I eventually got the hang of riding on two wheels.

I've recently been convicted to pray more fervently, and more often. Just as my earthly father told me to wait, so too does my Heavenly Father ask me to wait. As well, just as I continously asked my earthly father to remove my training wheels, so too does my Heavenly Father want me to continously make my requests known to Him. I can't expect to pray once, and get an immediate answer. I need to dedicate myself in prayer to Him, making my requests known daily, until He is ready - and until I am ready - to receive His answer.

I hope you will find this as encouraging as I have. So often, I'll pray a quick prayer, like "Lord, please help James' rash to heal". Then, I leave it at that - and expect a miracle. I have to make it my daily prayer, until God wants to heal the rash - or maybe He will give me another answer. In any case, too often I just expect God to know what I want. He asks us to make it known to Him however, and that may mean more than just one quick prayer. It may even take years of praying for something, but He will answer. May God richly bless you today, and always. Thanks for letting me share my heart.


Christine said...

Heather, I come to your blog on a regular basis not only to see pictures of your ADORABLE baby, but to get some encouragement. Your posts are uplifting to me and I am grateful for that. I have the problem too (probably along with a lot of other people) that I just find it hard to be patient with God and remember that it is in his time and not my time. I have read your previous posts about James and his rash, did your doctor say it was eczema? If it is, I have had a problem with eczema my whole life and one of the things that my dermatologist recommended is to put lotion on my skin when it is wet because the lotion will soak in better. Just thought I would pass that long.

Nin said...

Thank you for pushing me to walk in obedience. The Bible says that we do not receive because we do not ask, but our heavenly Father wants so much to bless His children, just as we want to badly to bless our own children.
I like how you said, "- or maybe He will give me another answer."
Jesus prayed not my will but yours be done. I think way too often we think we know what should be done, and we forget that "His ways are higher than our ways". Many times I've prayed for something specific, and when I didn't get it the way I asked for it, I was upset with God. We can't wrap our little brains around what He may be up to, all we need to do is trust that He knows best, and He is ALWAYS GOOD and ALWAYS RIGHT.
Thank you for this reminder, I've been convicted of the exact same thing.

Kim Funk said...

thanks for shareing..this same passion has been on my heart for along while now.

At the moment im reading "the power of a praying parent" and truly it gives so many scriptures and testimonies of the power of prayer/praying for our kids..and it has really encouraged me to pray even more in my daily activities,weather it be washing dishes, changeing a diaper,driveing,bathing aidan,Its truly amazeing the power of praying fervently in the hourly/daily on goings,how that has helped me as a mother,wife &friend,.
I strongly encourage you to read this wont be far into my readings, it has all of its references from the bible.

Low Flying Angel said...

James is very adorable :) hope he's better soon

Gina said...

Thanks for sharing Heather. Those were the words I really needed to hear today!

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

I just love your blog! It's so fun! Thanks for the encouragement. That's something God is trying to teach me, but to be honest I'm not a good learner! Often I'm on my knees praying for another child and excpect results right away! And if it doesn't happen I give up! Our pastor preached about constant prayer a couple weeks ago...

James is soooo cute! And he is growing and learning so fast!
By the way Warren loved the verse you made for Rebekah so we are thinking of getting something like that too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Heather. That is something that I am daily reminded of myself. Like I said the other day..."While we are into microwaving...God is into marinating."
Love ya,

Amber said...

Heather, this exact thing has been on my mind lately too. Whether it's a rash, sleep trouble, teething, or any other of the COUNTLESS obstacles our little ones face we can't just expect to say one simple prayer and expect God to hop to it. He wants us to be in constant communtication with him. Everyday. He wants to hear what is on our hearts. Everyday.

Thanks for sharing this's a learning process, huh? It's crazy how we (at least I do) often try to do things on our own and suddenly one day realize that we are missing something HUGE. But God is always there waiting for us to turn to Him.

Jamie said...

Thanks for the great post Heather - what a good reminder!

Janelle said...

i couldn't sleep the other nite because i was feeling so guilty about my LACK of prayer. i don't regularily pray for Rod or Kamryn or myself....i go to God in times of need, but i don't need to go to Him only in need - I need to go to Him constantly!!!!
thanks for the reminder...i love you.

Vanessa said...

thanks for sharing-persistent prayer is something God has been placing on my heart lately as well. That I need to fervently seek Him and press into Him. Thanks for the encouragement and I will pray for you as you keep pressing in! Blessings!