Sunday, February 4

Formula Attempt #2

I opened up the second freebie can of formula I had at home last night for James' bedtime bottle. This one is the Nestle Good Start. Unfortunately, I went about it backwards. James was getting really upset and wanted to eat, but I didn't have the bottle ready - so I nursed him FIRST, and then made the bottle. Well, he really wasn't hungry anymore, and refused the bottle with great disgust. He might have got a few little dribbles down, but he was not impressed. However, he still slept from about 9:00pm until about 4:00am. Not too bad at all! So, maybe it wasn't the formula after all. I'll try it again tonight - and have the bottle ready, and give it to him before I nurse him, and see how it goes.


-Me- said...

Sorry to hear that last night was not quite as successful, but still great he slept through for quite a while! I know that Good Start made my cousin's baby really really gassy, but hopefuly that won't happen with lil James!!! Its so hard to know which one is the best without tryign them all out hey!

Renee Shaw said...

When I tried frmula on Preston it didn't make any difference than when I nursed him. Maybe it's just individual to different kids, because I know people that using formula has worked for who knows?

Trail Rider said...

Hey there girlie! I just wanted you to know that I actually come to your blog almost everyday, read it and never comment.....silly, I know.
I love hearing about your adventures with little James!
By the way, how come your giving james a bottle? are you looking for a night out once and a while, are you done with nursing soon?? just wondering...
With my first two kids, I was very sure that I offered them a bottle by the time they were 2 weeks old and made sure that they had a bottle at least once a week (my doctor told me to do that to ensure that they would TAKE the darn bottle)
Anyway, with my third nursing child, I just nursed and nursed and by the time she was 3 months old, I thought to myself, "sheesh, I wouldn't mind a break" but by then she was a booby baby and no bottle was going to make her happy! So I was attached to her (which I really didn't mind) for 8 months. She went where I went.
Anyway, that's my long story.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Hope tonight goes well for you. Every time we drive by I wonder how your days has been going. You asked how many were in our prenatal class. There are 12 of us and there may be another couple tomorrow night.

Nin said...

Yes, formula is digusting!!!!! And it stinks like rotten milk! Poor little Daniel....his only source of num-nums.
Maybe James is in the stage now where he's just sleeping longer? I put a little bit of barley cereal in Daniels bedtime bottle to help him sleep longer. Maybe something you might wanna try...

Stacey said...

I don't know why moms still do the cereal in the bottle thing. For one, Doctors have discovered that babies intestines are not ready to digest anything other than milk til 6 months! It also isn't ever recommended to put cereal in a bottle. Solid food never helped my son sleep longer either, so for the most part, I think that's a myth too.
(Sorry I sound like I'm ranting, but I just wish people would listen to the doctors who have acutally done the research!)

Trail Rider said...

Babies won't die if they take cereal sooner, when we were all babies, we were on solid food some as early as a few weeks old and were all survived...soemtimes we can think that doctors are some kind of gods and they "know everything" and forget that God made us mothers for a reason. Common sense and moderation seem to make for good parents.
Nin, I think your suggestion was worth sharing.

Stacey said...

I'm not saying that mothers need to depend totally on what docs say, just that when it comes to our babies health, the doctors HAVE done the research. They are always learning new things, which I think is great. Why not give your baby the BEST chance possible.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to have a happy medium between doing what "they" say you should do, and what you decide yourself. My mom always reminds me too that we were eating all kinds of things far earlier on - but I will still likely wait until 6 months. Apparently my mom already gave James whipping cream... bad grandma!

Trail Rider said...

deciding WHO knows best is the's the bottom line.

I used to believe everything i read, everything i heard, especially if it came from "a doctor"!!

But, our world is going all wonky, and I need God's wisdom more these days to sift through all this "research and science" to do what's best for my babies. Giving babies solid food does not prevent them from getting the best. It just gives them more food....