Tuesday, February 10


I had to get myself out of this morning's little funk, so I took some initiative to get myself busy. First, I made a few phone calls to people I could cry with, and that felt much better. I also got a few fantastic emails from friends who are praying for me. Then I set up a lunch date with my dad and my brother - two people who I always have great conversations with, and who always have a nice way of NOT talking about my problems, and getting me to thinking about other things (like a new park across the river from our house). I then took home a piece of Skor cheesecake so that I could munch on it while I typed this new post. I'm sure the sugar and caffeine from the 3 glasses of homemade iced tea I drank are also helping boost my mood. My day was brightened even moreso when I stopped at the Post Office, and had the great surprise of a PARCEL PICK-UP notice in my box! Woohoo! I LOVE parcel pick-up notices! It was an order of books that I had made on Amazon. I can barely put down these two books, they are amazing! Here's my report:
I was watching a rare moment of Oprah a few weeks back. She had Dr. Oz on, as well as a guy named David Zinczenko. They were discussing child obesity. I have lately been inspired to make better meals for James, because he is living in a generation that seems to be losing the weight battle - and I don't want to see him suffer. However, I'm the kind of person that can't just be told "don't give your kids Kraft Dinner, it has a million calories". I need someone to say, "instead of giving your kids Kraft Dinner, rather give them canned tomato pasta, like Spaghetti O's". I like alternative options - and specific examples. This particular show was dedicated to doing just that. They even had a quiz, listing two different menu items from different common restaurants and getting the audience to pick the one they thought was healthiest. They got almost all of them wrong! I was really intrigued, and decided to look into getting Zinczenko's books. One is called "Eat This Not That: The Ultimate Guide to What to Eat When", and the other is "Eat This Not That! For Kids". These books are AWESOME! I'm now really inspired to make better choices, and I love that it covers everything from homemade foods to fast foods, canned goods, to frozen entrees. The books also feature full colour pictures of almost all the items they talk about. I think it will be a really great investment of a mere $16.02 per book (a friend of mine also ordered one, so we got free shipping). I would highly recommend these books! The one for kids also gives some great school lunch options that I would have never thought about - I can't wait to refer to it when I start making lunches for James.


Stacey said...

Those books sound great! I'm going to look into buying them.

Wenona said...

I was just talking to someone about those books and am very interested in reading them myself! I also want to give Koen the gift of being healthy and having a lifestyle that reflects that. I try to give organic, healthy snacks and meals when I can, but yes, it is very hard to do sometimes.
Hope that you find new and exciting things for James to eat!

Dianna said...

Yah for a better day for you. I was praying for you this morning.
I think it was u who also tagged me in 25 things about me I finally did it go to my blog to read it

Beth said...

I LOVE these books! I have the 2 for adults. I cannot believe how bad some of the "healthy" choices are at restaurants. It seems like everything I love is on that "not that" side but I have found some yummy things on the "eat this" side. :) Have fun with your new books!

Trev and Rebekah said...

You were on my mind so I should have called, sorry. I just happened to have one of my hardest days in a long time yesterday and was recovering from it but that is no excuse. Glad you had some friends you could call and be real with and that other things brightened your day.
I'll have to check out those books when I see you in Spring.

Kara said...

I also saw that episode of Oprah. I don't usually enjoy what she has to say most of the time, but I did find this particular episode interesting.

Robin Fehr said...

I am enjoying reading through this book as well.
What I enjoy MORE is talking with you and sharing life's "moments" together.
Take care Heather- I am praying for protection for you and your baby!
Love you lots!

Amber said...

hi heather. just wanted to let you know that i've been driving by your house a lot lately (been to my parents & back 10 times in the last few days...) which means I see your house which means I think of you which means I pray for you on the way by. I hope you feel those prayers :)

Lauren said...

Thanks for the book reviews, I actually got both of those books for Christmas, and haven't even opened them yet! I'm definitely going to now!