Tuesday, February 17


I have a problem, and I need to admit it. I think I'm a hoarder. Or, a compulsize shopper. Or, a grocery pack-rat. Whatever the actual problem is, I need to get it under control. I find myself overwhelmed by how much grocery items I have on hand - and yet I feel that I so rarely actually get around to using them up. When I go shopping, I'll stock up on sale items, and then come home to find that I still have many of these items already. I also just feel like I have too much! I don't think I even really use half of it. I like having certain things on hand, just in case. I also have a sort of "collection" of some things, like spices. I love spices! However, I don't use hardly any of the unusual ones because James would never eat them (too spicy, or whatever). We also seem to have multiples of a lot of things. For example, several different kinds of hot sauces, cereals, crackers, chips and other snacks. I open my cupboards to a huge, unorganized, unused mess. What do I do? When I go through it, I find that most things are still good, or I feel I'll use it up "eventually", so I end up keeping most of it. I believe there is a can of hot chocolate powder from the early 90's in the back of the pantry. I also feel it would be a huge waste to just throw away the stuff I didn't think we'd use - but I can't get myself to throw much of it out. I feel it WILL get used, and thus, the problem. I don't know what to do about all this food. Our house isn't built for big-time food storage. At least I know that we would never starve if we got stormed in or something like that. The meals would be interesting, but there certainly wouldn't be a lack of food.


Wenona said...

Would you consider helping families by giving food you have too many multiples of to a food cupboard? I know our local MCC helps families in our area, and my ladies bible study group has helped 3 families this year already and it's been such a huge blessing to them. (and to us)
Just an idea.
Hope you're doing well!

Carla said...

I'm a recovering hoarder. I grew up with a Mom that did the same thing. I recently made a rule for myself. I am not allowed to buy things unless the spot in the pantry is empty. For example, no new crackers until the old ones are gone. I generally only allow myself to shop the perifery of the store where the perishables are so that I can't buy things that will add to my pantry collection.

Erica H said...

I like Wenona's idea. I would look into a food pantry. It would make YOU feel good, and another family! :)

Stacey said...

The food cupboard is a GREAT idea! And here's my idea to keep it from happening again. It's what I do each week to avoid the same problem ;)

I make a weekly menu plan, using the flyers so I know what is on sale. Then I make my grocery list, with just what I need to make those meals, and if there is a REALLY good sale, I might buy a little extra.

I also go through my cupboards and freezer/fridge each week to see what I already have and what didn't get used the week before. It has saved a ton on the grocery bill, and I never have to worry about what to make. It takes less than an hour to plan everything out, and my shopping trips are really fast because they are organized.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Hey, thanks so much for the call and letting me share with you my heart. I appreciate you so much.

Ang said...

You are 10 weeks pregnant!!! Yay baby!
I'm going to call HGTV on you if you don't get rid of that hot chocolate! It goes bad, trust me.

patti said...

oh heather! you're making my hands itch to come help you. it's time to rid yourself of some of that and donate it. i think i'll go look at my cupboards too...

patti said...

oh heather! you're making my hands itch to come help you. it's time to rid yourself of some of that and donate it. i think i'll go look at my cupboards too...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a pantry intervention is necessary? Just show up at my house anytime, and help me out! I would LOVE it!

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

I'm with Stacey! I do the same thing and it saves a lot of frustration with not knowing what to make and hour before supper. I actually enjoy cooking again!

Beth said...

I am the same way.. at least you have a pantry to hold it all! I went through my frig this past weekend and couldn't believe how many condiments had expired!

Jobina said...

I can be the same way Heather..at one point our shelves housed 9 boxes of cereal! And we have a tiny kitchen! For December and January I refused to buy anything unless desperately needed and I tried to use as many pantry items as possible. I was amazed how quickly it cleared out! Of course, getting rid of decade old food helps too!