Tuesday, February 3


This morning a friend called, and reminded me to be thankful for my blessings. I appreciated the reminder, and started off this morning by just being thankful. Sometimes I think I would want my life to be different, and yet when I really ponder what it is I would change... I can't think of anything! Mostly I just wish I could be a better person, and that my thought life would be more positive and God-centered.
I had more to be thankful for later in the morning when I had to run to the bathroom to puke. I have never puked in any of my miscarried pregnancies. Being bent over the toilet to me is a blessing - a sign that my body is doing what it is supposed to do. I was also thankful that I had felt the on-coming upchuck, and cleaned the toilet earlier that morning. It smelled like bleach.
Then, I was blessed again by another phone call. This one was from my Dr.'s office, calling to tell me that I am booked for an early ultrasound in a few weeks! Praise God! I had been feeling a lot of pressure to go to the Babymoon ultrasound for a sneak peak - but something inside was saying, "Just wait, be patient, TRUST in ME". So everytime I would start to get paranoid and think about when I could go to Babymoon, I tried to just tell myself that God wanted me to trust Him. So now I can look forward to seeing my baby in a few weeks, and getting some peace of mind before I have to stop taking the progesterone. You can't imagine how thankful I am for all of your prayers. I know you have all been praying that I'll have peace, and now I know that I will get a little bit more peace in a few weeks.
It never ceases to amaze me that God always comes through. Sure, it's easy to say that when things are going good - but it reminds me that He truly does want the best for me.


Kara said...

Isn't it cool how when we begin our day with Jesus in Thanksgiving we are in a far better place to notice the God moments in our day.

maresi said...

Oh, that's good news. I hope your mind is more at ease, and that you keep those reminders to trust Him in the front of your thoughts!

Wenona said...

Yay for puking! lol - thought I'd never say that!
Continuing to keep you in my prayers.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Looking forward to catching up with you some time later this week. Perhaps tomorrow?

Janelle said...

thank you Lord. :)