Saturday, November 29

Silly Things James Says

The things that James says these days keeps us laughing all day long! He is hysterical, and comes up with the funniest things to say. Here are some of our latest favourites:

We were driving up to our house and I said, "We're home!". James pipes up from the backseat and says, "Yay! Mommy found it!".

I opened James' bedroom door to go get him in the morning, and the first thing he said is, "Hey! What's going on?".

We had lunch with my dad (grandpa) at a restaurant, and while we waited to pay he started to visit with someone he knew. James looked at them and said, "Grandpa is talking to... (thought about it for a while) some GUY!".

When James gets scolded for something, he always asks "Why not?". I'll answer him with something like, "Because you could get hurt", and then he'll say "Because?". All I have to say is, "Yes, just because" and then he is fine with it.

And this week's winner:

I was getting dressed in the morning, and James walked into the room. I was undressed from the waist up. James looked at me for a while, and then with a smile on his face said, "Mommy has two OWLS!".

Friday, November 28

Funny Story

Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS to see a terrified cat riding on the roof of a vehicle going 80km/hr?! This is what I was thinking yesterday when I realized that our cat had come along on a 1-1/2 mile ride on the roof of our van! I'm not sure what was more funny, the cat coming along for the ride on the roof, or when I braked to turn onto the driveway and he came tumbling down the windshield onto the hood and James saying "What happened big kitty?". I can say all this with laughter, because the cat wasn't hurt in any way. Scared, yes, but not hurt. I would have felt horrible if he would have been hurt, because he is our favourite cat. Anyway, I couldn't help but imagine how that would have looked if you would have just been peering out your window and witnessed this cat go by on the roof! Wow, that would have been SO funny!

I saw the cat on the roof when we got into the van. Usually he would have known we were leaving, and would have jumped off right away. I didn't see him jump off, so I figured the noise of the garage door opening and the van starting would scare him off. I still didn't see him jump off, so I slowly backed out of the garage thinking that he would definately jump off if the van was moving. I still didn't see him. When I got out of the garage I couldn't see him anywhere, so I stayed parked for a couple of seconds longer to give him time to jump off. At that point I assumed that he had to have jumped off, and just went someplace where I couldn't see him (this would be unusual, because he almost always watches as we drive away). So, we left, and thus the cat ride on the roof.

The rest of this week has been busy but uneventful. I've done some Christmas shopping, did some church decorating for Christmas, and a few odds and ends. I really want to do some Christmas baking, but James isn't a big fan of me working in the kitchen, so I haven't done any. One of my biggest frustrations as a mom is that I actually really love cooking and baking, but my son does not let me do that in peace. Unless I put him in front of the TV he will cry and try to rip my arms out to come and play with him. It's almost useless to even try to do anything but the necessities, and even then we are usually just eating things that are quick and simple.

James got to sit on Santa's knee this year. I'm not really into the Santa thing, but had to make an exception this year because Santa was actually Ryan's Uncle Stan! We had to go visit him, and I decided I would buy photos merely because Santa was such a special guy.

Wednesday, November 19

The Sequel II

If you have been reading my blog for more than a year, you will remember that there is a special video that comes out on this date each year. It began with this one back in November of 2006, which was the night I went into labour. In November of 2007 I thought a sequel would be appropriate, so this video was recorded.

So, from now on I think it will be a yearly tradition to do the "Labour Dance" video on the eve of James' birthday...

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

I Need You to Love Me

Saturday, November 15


I feel a little nudge in my heart, and I'm trying to pray into it (even though I'm still struggling in the prayer department right now). A few good friends have told me that perhaps I should join a support group of some kind for women with infertility, miscarriages, and failed adoptions (from now on if I talk about 'women who have lost babies', I am including all of these types of losses in one group, okay?). After thinking about it, it occurred to me that I know A LOT of women who could benefit from a group like this - and many of them are nearby, right here in Friendly Manitoba. So... the little nudge in my heart came as an idea, "What if YOU (Heather) would start a support group?". Oh my! I wouldn't even know where to begin, where to have it, what to talk about... so, could you please pray into this with me? I need your intercessory help. Also, if you are someone who would be interested in joining such a group, please let me know by emailing me at the link above ("Email Me"). My current thought is a once-a-month meeting in a church somewhere? Wow - can't believe I'm putting this out there, because it feels like a committment.

Friday, November 14

Good Times

The last few days have been great, which comes with a little bit of a funny side-effect for me. When I have great days, my heart longs even more for a baby because I know I could handle the extra workload. James has just been a gem for the last week. He was toted along to do Christmas banquet decor shopping for our church on Wednesday. Although that seems to be his least favourite thing to do, we survived. He was rewarded with a 1/2 hour of play at the train table at Chapters, and all was well. I also pretty much finished my Christmas shopping this week, but admittedly it was a short list and mostly involved picking up gift cards. We've been enjoying some good sleep lately, with James going down around 9:00pm and waking up after 8:00am. He's been quite well behaved this week too, and fun as ever! He really enjoyed making "fruit and vegetables" with playdough this morning. He then played with them for almost an hour - just transferring them from one container to another, and then from one chair to a table, and then back to the chair again. We had a nice lunch together, him with leftover spaghetti, and me with leftover butter chicken and rice. Now he is down for a nap, while I sip tea and type. Tonight we are going out with friends, which I am very much looking forward to. Ryan and I are hoping we can convince them to all go see "Quantum of Solace" with us - we don't get nights out that often!

Sunday, November 9

Thumbs Up for Mommy's Day Out

No matter how much I adore James, I still need to have breaks from him. It's been really interesting to me to see how life with him gets more fun, but at the very same time it also gets more challenging.
On one side I am having a blast with all of his talking, amazing memory, non-stop learning, increasing independance, humour, and ability to watch TV for more than 3 seconds.
On the other side of things, I find myself completely drained and exhausted at the end of the day (more than ever before) from the constant running, entertaining, rescue missions, boo-boo kissing, tantrum avoiding, discipling, and scolding that comes hand-in-hand with a two year-old.
The last couple of weeks have been hard on me, especially as I seem to have hit rock bottom in my cycle of grief. The changing weather is having an effect as well, and I think I've been feeling the lack of sun and vitamin D already! So I was very happy to take a short leave of absence today and go see my mom's art show, and do some shopping.
I firmly believe that these outtings help me to regain my composure, renew my heart and mind, remind me that I am a woman of value, and make me a better mom. I think they need to happen more often, because I sure felt SO much more ready to take on another week with James after the break today. I loved the quiet ride in the car, listening to worship music. I also enjoyed a quiet lunch with my mom, and the unexlainable joy I got at being able to walk through the entire mall without a stroller, diaper bag, or impatient toddler. I enjoyed a Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks, and didn't care that I had to be in the line up for 15 minutes. I spent about half an hour just trying on bras - a wardrobe necessity that is usually my least favourite thing to buy (right before bathing suits) and cannot be accomplished with James with me!!! I found 3, all 40% off, and another 15% off at the checkout - ch-ching!
After I got home my mother-in-law called and told me she wanted to give me a break and would take James for a couple of hours tomorrow morning! I am looking forward to using that time to turn up some good music (time to whip out the Boney M) and clean up the house. I always feel SO good once my house is clean - I then feel like I can take on anything. So here's my thumbs up for mommy's day out. If you haven't had one lately, you deserve one.

Friday, November 7

Tuesday, November 4

Still Loves to Dance

Despite having an ear infection, James still loves to dance!

Saturday, November 1


The last few days have been rough. I'm not sure why exactly, but I think in part I can blame it on the following: lack of sleep (will explain), grieving (a mix of sadness, bitterness and anger), sickness (cough, cough, cough), PMS (gotta love hormones), and progesterone supplements (giving me symptoms of pregnancy, and yet two tests have said no).

All these things are frustrating. I think the worst is the grieving, because it's really unnatural for me to be sad, bitter and angry for such a long time. It's even more frustrating when I don't know who I'm sad, bitter and angry at! I just know that it is causing me a lot of tears - I can't even show my face at the local store. I'm too nervous that someone is going to come and ask me how I am doing!

Also, we are all sick. Thank goodness we don't have the awful flu that my friend Amber and her family had. We are all coughing our lungs out. No fun. I can curb my cough attacks with lozenges, tea, and a good clearing of my throat. James on the other hand has it the worst. He is up many times at night with horrible cough attacks - for which medicine does NOTHING. He has even coughed so hard that he has puked a few times. It's not cool. He seems happiest to just be in front of the TV, which I have allowed. At least if he is not running around he seems to cough a little less.

Prayers would be appreciated.