Saturday, November 1


The last few days have been rough. I'm not sure why exactly, but I think in part I can blame it on the following: lack of sleep (will explain), grieving (a mix of sadness, bitterness and anger), sickness (cough, cough, cough), PMS (gotta love hormones), and progesterone supplements (giving me symptoms of pregnancy, and yet two tests have said no).

All these things are frustrating. I think the worst is the grieving, because it's really unnatural for me to be sad, bitter and angry for such a long time. It's even more frustrating when I don't know who I'm sad, bitter and angry at! I just know that it is causing me a lot of tears - I can't even show my face at the local store. I'm too nervous that someone is going to come and ask me how I am doing!

Also, we are all sick. Thank goodness we don't have the awful flu that my friend Amber and her family had. We are all coughing our lungs out. No fun. I can curb my cough attacks with lozenges, tea, and a good clearing of my throat. James on the other hand has it the worst. He is up many times at night with horrible cough attacks - for which medicine does NOTHING. He has even coughed so hard that he has puked a few times. It's not cool. He seems happiest to just be in front of the TV, which I have allowed. At least if he is not running around he seems to cough a little less.

Prayers would be appreciated.


Erica H said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling so crummy. Will pray right now.

Rena said...

That sounds like a rough few days - I'll be praying

Beth said...

:( I hope you are all feeling better soon! It's okay to be so sad/angry... our pastor had a great sermon 2 weeks ago about how it is okay to be angry for the things the enemy has taken away from us. If you want to listen it is the 10/19 sermon

Trev and Rebekah said...

Praying for you and loving you at the same time!

Carla said...

Feel better soon. I hope you get outside with James tomorrow and enjoy our beautiful weather.

Christine said...

Hope you guys are feeling better soon.

maresi said...

Oh, I know how those progesterone supplements can make everything else going on, including any physical and emotional distress, magnified greatly. I'll be praying that peace covers you tonight.

Jamie said...

Oh, I hope you guys all feel better soon! And I hope you have a good day tomorrow despite everything...

Becky said...

Prayers sent your way. And hugs.

Lena said...

Heather, I came to your blog and noticed I missed a couple posts. You remind me of how I felt a couple months back- grief is such a difficult thing. I will pray for you!!
I am so glad to come on your blog to see the important strides you've made- God is totally working in you and it's so encouraging to see.
BTW- you dont live to far from the steinbach area- right? I would love to get together for coffee sometime. would that be too weird?

Let me know if you are interested :)

Janelle said...

are you guys feeling better? i love you girl. and i can totally understand the pain of your heart. but He will heal it, i promise.