Friday, February 9

"Good Job"

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I love how the end of the video has James in a full-fledge face plant! Hahaha! Note the whistling kettle in the background.


Jamie said...

That is so cute! James is really good at holding his head up already and he's making so many cute sounds, too! I love it.
I know how you feel about James' sleepless nights. Micah was always a terrible sleeper (he still gets me up at night sometimes even now). Finally at 4 and a half months I started him on rice cereal in the evenings and it seemed to help. I probably won't start so early with Keziah since she's been a good sleeper.
But, I remember the feeling that every other baby slept better than mine and I was forever trying to come up with ways to help him sleep longer.
For some reason, I felt confident that this 2nd baby was going to be a good sleeper - just because I didn't think God would let me have TWO bad sleepers in a row :)
Anyway, just wanted to encourage you that the sleeping will get better! Hopefully sooner than later :)

Drea said...

awe adorable. He is really good at that! He has the biggest eyes. so pretty.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jamie and Drea. that video is so adorable. James is really cooing up a storm. Doesn't let make you happy when they look at yiu and start cooing. So adorable.

Kim Funk said...

awwww i had to show chris this chris's words "THAT IS ONE CUTE KID" so we have to watch this video many times!!! james is learning so fast i can tell he has alot to say ..hehehe thanks for the video we loved it!!!

Renee Shaw said...

You have such a cutie Heather! He's doing good holding up his head, and he talks lots! When he gets older you know what you have to look forward to then...he'll be talking your ear off none-stop!

Becky said...

His little noises are so cuuuuuuuuuute! He's trying so hard!

The Keowns said...

how adorable!!! watching that makes me want another.
as for the sleeping thing, it will get better. . .it does, really.

-Me- said...

My favorite part about that video is the adorable noises that James is sweet! Its nice that he is holding his head up too, thats a big accomplishment! (I have one of those whistling kettles too, and sometimes it drives me crazy..I actually try to beat the whistle)

andrew + camille said...

so so cute!
good for you for doing TUMMY TIME!!! you are such a fantastic mom already, i hope you know that.

Andrea said...

Hi Heather! I've been looking at your blog for a while now...found it through some friends, Stacey, and warren and Liane! Anyways, your little guy is SO cute...reminds me of my little man, Tate! Just thought I'd say hi, and that I really enjoy your's so fun and encouraging too! :) If you want to check out mine its Is it okay if I add you to my links? Just wanted to make sure! :) Keep having fun with your ADORABLE son! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I'm a lurker, a grandmother, a nurse, and a lactation consultant who works with moms/babes every working day.
Giving solids to a baby before 6 months has been shown to predispose infants to allergies, especially if there is already a tendency. It also does not help to sleep better. I agree with some other bloggers that the formula may be the cause of the rash.
Fussiness is seldom the result of what the mother has eaten, unless there is a true lactose sensitivity. If your baby is still pulling on and off the breast, and biting/clamping, it could be due to a number of reasons: a forceful letdown will cause some babies to clamp down in an effort to slow the flow of milk and not choke. The pulling on and off may also be due to the same reason, or the baby may just need comfort, and is not actually hungry. Babies will also give you hunger cues when they have tummy discomfort (overfull tummy, gas) and they appear ravenous, yet pull off when the breast is offerred. Another reason they may become impatient at the breast is because they want the milk to come right away, if they have had some bottles.
Sorry this is so long. If you could see a lactation consultant 1:1, she could do a thorough assessment and very likely help you. Giving appropriate advice without knowing your history and observing a latch is really difficult.I live in BC, but if you want to reach me, we could possibly exchange some contact info if you want.

Vanessa said...

your son is so incredibly beautiful! And i love his smile! thanks for sharing the video!

Anonymous said...

Mamaz - Thanks for your advice. I think you have hit the nail on the head about James' fussiness due to being overfull, or gassy. He is a really gassy kid, and often we can feel the gurgling in his tummy. It is exactly at these times that he is the most fussy at the breast. I do have a forceful letdown, so that may be why he is clamping down - and he doesn't seem to be choking as much, so it must be working for him! As far as the rash goes, I have not given James any formula for over a week, and the rash is still spreading, and then flaring up occasionally in places where it looked like it was going away. He also never drank more than a few ounces of the formula, so it should long be out of his system by now. I am still baffled. A few people say it looks like eczema, but it is spreading so fast - I just don't believe eczema spreads like that. Others say it is eczema, and to try and over-the-counter hydrocortizone cream. I am just not sure what to do! I want to take him to a pediatrician this week if the rash doesn't seem to be healing. Right now, his whole body, with the exception of his face (other than his cheeks), his hands, feet and butt/genitals, are covered in this pimply, sandpaper rash.