Tuesday, February 20

Rash Update

This weekend James' rash started to spread over his back, so I decided enough-is-enough. I took him to a pediatric walk-in clinic in Winnipeg yesterday, where I knew that a well-liked pediatrician was on call. I wasn't looking forward to a long wait, in a waiting room full of sniffly nosed kids - but I was ready to do anything! When I got there, the girl at the desk said as I came in the door "Whoa, good timing!". Apparently a LONG line-up of kids had just cleared out, and we were first in line. Yahoo! We waited only 5 minutes, and we were in with the Dr. She took one look at James and said, "Hmmmm... that's some bad eczema!". She gave me two different creams - a hydrocortizone (1%), and a cream called "glaxal base/petrolatum". I put them on him last night, and he looks much better today already. Thank God! I was getting really tired of no one taking my son's rash seriously, and this Dr. will take us on as full-time patients as we are family to other patients of hers. So, we are over that battle for the time being.

P.S. By the way, I'm ready to make a deal with all other mothers who blog to NOT post about how good our kids are sleeping. I think we should only be allowed to post about how BAD they are sleeping. I start to get very resentful at how often I am up at night when I read how some people's kids are sleeping ALL flippin' night already. I'm saying this somewhat tongue-in-cheek, however, I truly do find it hard to read about other peoples LONG nights of sleep! So, how 'bout it? Only post if nights are bad???


Heather said...

YES i agree on the bad sleep stuff.. man my twins are 9 months old and i get up ALOT at night.. you are not alone and those parents who say there kids sleep ALL night are LYING!

Becky said...

Since misery loves company I hope this helps...

Last night Sam (10 months) woke up four times. That's ever two hours or so. Ben (2 1/2 years) woke up twice.

Trail Rider said...

My little one is 2 and she still gets up. joe gets up with her, cause my baby will be up nursing in just a few days!!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Atleast the rash is what you thought it was in the first place. Glad you got it checked out. Which clinic did you go to?

P.S. I don't think I will be going to study tomorrow as I don't want to give anyone my bad cold and we are in the city for Dentist appointments too.

Domestic Bloggess said...

The last 2 days Palmer has REFUSED to nap during the day so he's ready for bed at 6:30pm. We've put him down and he hasn't woken up until 4am both nights - a record in our house. The ironic part is because we're used to being up with him every 3-4 hours by 12pm when we're trying to sleep we can't and we're up every 1/2 hour or so to check on him because we're worried something's wrong! So even though Palmer's slept through the night, we sure haven't. It's a catch 22 really.

andrew + camille said...

as a baby, my eczema was so bad that my mom actually gave me goats milk to drink, apparently i liked it and i think it cleared things up a bit. i think ive tried every cream in the book for my eczema.. but the water is nice and soft out here so it helps too.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its just so exciting when your little one sleeps that first night all the way through, that you can't help but write and post about your excitement. AND just hoping and praying it will last...

Drea said...

haha.. well i agree I dont want to hear how good other peoples kids are sleeping as welL LOL :-)
Taites still not sleeping great. I mean he sleeps.. .but he just wakes up a lot... atleast I think so. Doesnt help hes been sick for like a month straight! Darn colds!!

Jamie said...

Agreed! Besides I've learned my lesson to not get too comfortable with long nights of sleep - because they'll always go and change it on you!

Glad to hear you've got some solutions for the eczema - we know what that problem is like!

Brandi said...

Heather, just try to remember that what goes around comes around . . . remember at Terrilee's bday how I was talking about Kalia's great nights? We are just seeing the end (??) of a really rough patch of BAD nights!!! Kalia slept awesome for the first 5 or 6 months, but then it got brutal. Others start off bad, and then get good later on. Every baby is different, and I've never met a mom who didn't go through at least one (but most likely more) bad night spells. Keep plugging away!

Melanie said...

Hm, interesting deal you're trying to make. I'll have to think on it.

I guess the reason that I "brag" about my little babe's sleeping habits is because I'm floored since my first one got up so often in the night! And still, this last night (just to make you feel better) my baby only woke up once but was up for over 2 hours, while my 3 year old cried from something or other and needed help at least 3 times! Talk about tired this morning!

Anonymous said...

I hope it didn't sound like I hate hearing about the good nights. James just slept from 9:30pm to 7:30am a couple of nights ago, and it was amazing. Sometimes, especially when I am going through a bad spell, and I'm SO tired, it sucks to hear about other peoples good nights. But I was really kind of kidding around about it - personally though, I'm going to not discuss the good nights for the sake of my other tired mom friends.