Thursday, February 8

Looking Up?

It's become very obvious to me that I have (once again) forgotten from "Whom my help comes from". I need to be looking up, to my Father, and not relying on my own strength and ability (or lack thereof). Last night I had Bible study here at my place, and the girls prayed for me. God must have heard them, and gave me some grace - because James went to sleep relatively easily. He still woke up every 3 hours to nurse, but he went back down to sleep almost right away. Thank you Lord! He woke up with a bright smile on his face, and has been a happy camper all day. The rash still looks pretty nasty, but I almost think it looks like it is clearing up on his cheeks now - which is where it started. I have been using Aveeno baby lotion, and will keep lathering him in that and see how it goes. I've also stopped experimenting with the formula. He doesn't have a fever, and he's content, so I am just going to stop being so worried about the rash - and let it takes it's course. I'll also try experimenting with what I am eating, and see how that goes too. Thanks for the fantastic advice, and all the support - you are all SO wonderful - I'm SO thankful for this blog. In any case, James was practicing his tummy time again today, and I snapped this pic - because he truly is absolutely adorable!


Dianna said...

My, my what an adorable picture of a content happy baby!!

Janelle said...

i know i say it all the time - but let me say it again -
honestly - one of the most gorgeous babies i have ever, ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie said...

He looks so much like you in this picture, I think!
Glad to hear things are going a bit better today. Sometimes just focusing on Jesus can give us the perspective and peace to carry on!

Renee Shaw said...

I'm glad things are going better! Sometimes all it takes is a little support and prayer to get through things! And yes he is a cutie patootie!

Melanie said...

Yep - adorable!

Glad to hear that your day has gone better. Here's to looking up!

Kimberley said...

Glad to hear that things are going better. You are doing a great job so don´t ever think that you are not!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!!!!!! That picture is so cute. I love the color of his eyes. Glad everything is working out for ya.

Nin said...

The God we serve is so amazing. I have no idea who we would do it without knowing Him and His mercy. I'm so glad that His spirit ministered to you at your prayer time, and reminded you that He is carrying you through this whole journey of being a mommy. A saying that has been encouraging me daily as I walk through my own personal struggle is "do not doubt in the dark, what God told you in the light". In the rough patches whatever they may be, it's so vital that we hang on to what God has promised us. It's in that place that we find our rest and hope. Be blessed today Heather, you are an amazing mom, and you serve an amazing Father. (and James is soooooo cute!!!)

Kimmy said...

Heather. I'm glad to hear things are better. As usual, James is SOOOOO adorable in the picture you posted. I think it's great that you are able to "vent" on your blog. I do that often, and I usually feel much, much better just because I got it all out.

Anonymous said...

SO cute! Where did he get those HUGE eyes! They're gorgeous! He won't like to hear that when he's older. :) I'm gald you're feeling a bit better.

Becky said...

Okay. So. Stinkin. Cute.

And... I've been sick so I missed out on the whole rash discussion... Ben and Sam were sick too. Every time Sammy gets sick he gets a rash. Every time. We should have got our boys together and let them vent a little too. Poor little guys.

Anonymous said...

I love his little chin. Did you end up taking him out with you last night?
Glad you felt encouraged after study-Rebekah