Tuesday, February 20



Janelle said...

love that pic of you & the little guy!! hopefully i can hold him soon!!

Janelle said...

hey heather - can you pls e-mail me at work my first name.my last name@saskatoonhealthregion.ca when you have a chance today?
thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. Your guy is getting big and he is a handsome little guy.

Jamie said...

Great pictures! You're looking good too :)

I thought I'd comment here to answer your questions from my blog. I am so jealous of James' schedule! Keziah can't stay awake for more than an hour at a time (sometimes longer in the evening) and can't stay asleep for more than an hour either! Every once in awhile she'll take a 2 hour nap straight through or sometimes when she wakes up in between I can get her to fall back to sleep just by putting in her soother again. So, our day is pretty much this pattern:
- wake up & feed (between 6 & 7 am lately)
- awake for an hour
- getting cranky so I wrap her up and walk/rock her until she's ready to be put down (usually takes about 10 minutes to settle her)
- sleep for an hour
- wake up but usually still cranky/tired --> At this point I try the soother and if that doesn't work I rock her and sometimes even hold her for her entire nap! (Hence the need for a better carrier!)
- then it's time for her to eat again!

We repeat this pattern probably 4-5 times throughout the day which is exhausting since it is usually a process to get her to fall asleep. She goes down for the night around 9. I mentioned in my blog today that she's not sleeping well at night right now either, but that's another story!

Anyway, be thankful that James can take long naps and also that he can stay awake and happy for longer periods of time. AND that his night stretches are increasing (rather than decreasing!)

Renee Shaw said...

cute pics!

Ang said...

oh heather, love him love him love him!!!!

Unknown said...

It's amazing how I can see your face on his little face.