Thursday, February 15

"Oh, What A Night!"

James and I have actually had a relatively busy week. Dare I say, I almost feel like I can say I feel close to 'normal' again! I seem to be handling things quite well, and with 3 days of my anti-depressants left I am thankful for that.

To start off the week, on Sunday I became a 'woman' again. I was a little taken aback at first - in fact, I was scared! I thought "Oh no, why I am bleeding??". And then I realized, "Oh, hahaha, that's my period!". In a weird way I was happy to see it, but I hadn't expected to see it so soon. Oh well. After a quick trip to the store I was stocked up.

On Monday morning my grandma, my aunt, my cousin and her one year-old foster son came over to our place. They brought lunch - homemade soup, and egg salad croissants - it was great! We had a good time, and James enjoyed his young company. They all examined James' rash, and it was agreed by all three of them that it looks like eczema. They had lots of suggestions - apparently eczema is common on that side of the family. They suggested using Monistat cream for the itch, and an over-the-counter cortizone cream to clear up the big flare-ups. Just so happened that I had a prescription cortizone cream from a few years back, so I used it on the worst spots on James - and they are almost completely cleared up! I will keep him otherwise lubed up with lotion, less frequent baths, and hope for warmer weather.

Tuesday was a good day, with little planned. James was happy all day, and he napped well in the afternoon. He had a bath, and went down for the night at around 9:00pm. I woke up next at 3:30am! WOW! However, I woke up freezing! Our furnace had broke down, and the house was a chilly 12 degrees. James must had liked it cold though, because he ate, and then slept another 5 hours - until 9:00am! What a great night! The furnace got fixed first thing in the morning, but James and I went over to Ryan's parents house to keep warm. In the afternoon we went to my friend Jeryn's place, so that James and his buddy Hayden (born in October) could play. They were so cute - they sat across from each other, and stared and smiled at each other! They will have many more playdates to come.

For Valentine's Day, Ryan brought home my favourite meal from Earl's (spicy seafood penne). I set the table up nice, lit candles, and played the CD of music from our wedding ceremony. We exchanged cards, and Ryan got me my favourite handsoaps from Bath & Body Works. I also got some really pretty purple flowers. I wish Valentine's Day was more often... anyway, he also rented a movie ("Flags of Our Fathers"), and we watched it after James went to bed. I actually think that was the first movie we've watched together from start to finish since James was born!

So, that is a run down of our week. What was good about your week?


Teri said...

Glad you're having a good week! I worked last night - ugh! Oh well!

I hope you don't need to continue on your meds, but don't worry if you do. I've been on mine for over a year now and I hate it but I know I need them since when I don't take them, I'm crabby and not very nice :)

How did Ryan get stuff from Bath and Body Works? I'm jealous :)

Happy weekend!

-Me- said...

I've had excema (I never spell it right) since I was little. My mom used to plaster my brother and I in cortizone cream before bed and then put saraan wrap around it so that it stayed on...sounds funny, but it worked like a charm! I get it really badly in the winter still, and if I eat oranges I get it all over my face and fingers, etc. I hope that James' clears up nicely for you!

Anonymous said...

Teri - He went to Grand Forks last weekend to take my brother to the airport there, so he picked it up then. My brother flew from there to Mexico - apparently the flight is a lot cheaper.

Becky said...

I order Bath and Body Works off ebay ALL the time. I'm ALL about the Country Apple Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Lotion with Vitamins B5, E, and Wheat Germ Oil... Softens and smoothes as it kills germs.

(Yes, I have a tube sitting right here beside me, and yes, it just arrived in the mail yesterday... Yum.)

Drea said...

oh my gosh, 12 degrees?! wow...

Jamie said...

I love the pictures! And I'm glad James gave you a longer sleep again. Keziah has been back-tracking on me this week. After giving me one glorious 9 HOUR night at the beginning of the week, she has reverted to 4-5 hour stretches. I'm hoping it's just a growth spurt or something!

Oh - and "congrats" on the period :) Haven't gotten mine yet and last time it took 7 months so I'm hoping for the same this time around!

Jenny said...

I read your blog via Janelle. My 7 year old has exzema. You have to be careful with the cortisone cream. It really can thin the skin. Not to scare you or anything. The doctor can prescribe a cream that he can formulate to suit your son's age and need.
We have finally found a cream after many years that seems to be working and the amount of cortizone is minimal.
Your son is beautiful.

Lindsay said...

So happy to hear that you and your little family are doing so well!


Don't stress about the meds... The very best of us have been strong enough to rely on pills to help us out a little bit, and it's nothing to be concerned about. If they work, then that's awesome. If you don't need them anymore, then that's even better. I've found a really, really low dose that is perfect for me - maybe not forever, but for now.

Glad to hear that Ryan handled V-Day with such class. You've trained him well ;)