Thursday, February 1

Heads Up!


Wenona said...

So cute!!! What a lil' man he is already!

Renee Shaw said...

That's adorable! I remember when Preston did that for the first time too! Aren't these little things that they do just the cutest?

Amber said...

Ok, seriously! Isn't James supposed to be a newborn??! Why oh WHY do all babies grow up so darn fast?? I know for my 2nd one coming up I am going to soak in every moment of those first few weeks (as tough as they are!) because really now--just look at James - he's all growed up!

Becky said...

Oooo! Look at you little James! It seems like only yesterday you were born and now you are a big strong boy holding up your cute little head! Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Awwww. He's a cutie!!

Nin said...

your little guy is soooo cute! You are so blessed, he's getting so big so fast. It's so crazy, it feels like you were just sharing the news that you were expecting not that long ago!