Friday, March 30

Sick Babes

James seems to be getting a little better already - thank goodness! He is supposed to go for his 4 month immunization shots next week, and I don't think they give them the shots if they are sick. Anyway, we have continued to give him the Infant Dimetapp drops before bed (they are just for the congestion, not for cough), and we've been putting him to sleep in his rocking chair as it is a good way to keep him reclined instead of flat on his back. We've kept the humidfier running in his room all day and night, and other than that - we've just been making sure he stays hydrated, as he only eats a little at a time. Otherwise, he has been his happy, active self with just a little more fussiness than usual. Here he is, watching TV with daddy last night... (not a regular habit).


Stacey said...

The only reason to not give a shot is if the baby has a fever. A cold with no fever is not a problem.

Kimberly said...

It sounds like you're getting along just fine. Colds are no fun! I hope you have an easy time with the shots.

Nin said...

That bumbo chair looks so neat! I want one!!

Anonymous said...

Nin - At first I sort of thought the Bumbo chair was pretty useless, but we borrowed ours from friends and I was glad we didn't put the money out on it. But James really seems to have taken to it now, and I think it may be worth the money after all. You can get them much cheaper in the US though.

kelly ens said...

A suggestion so James doesn't have to be flat on his back during naps and nighttime is to put a pillow UNDER his mattress. It raises the mattress enough that it really helps with congestion. Also, try saline drops - they work wonders, and are totally safe!
Hope you all feel better sooN!

Erica H said...

Annika caught a cold from her cousin this last week. They sure aren't fun! Especially the first one...I was so close to purchasing a Bumbo chair in Grand Forks this week. They are SOOO much cheaper in the US. Annika is starting to sit up on her own now, so I did't know how much use we'd get out of it. It looks like James loves his! What a cutie-pie!

Jamie said...

Hey Heather - I'm glad James is getting better. I'm sure he'll be healthy for his shots next week :)

I just saw your comment on my blog and thought I'd respond here. I've definitely noticed an improvement in Keziah's sleep since starting her on a 4-hour daytime routine. It's been a week now and not every night has been great, but we've had more good nights than we did last week so I have to attribute that to the new schedule. It's nice too that she nurses longer and drinks more - I'm guessing about 6 oz at least from the times we've bottle-fed her. So, I actually haven't tried the "wake her up" technique yet. But if you do try that I think you would maybe just pick James up and talk to him a bit. But as soon as he wakes up I think you would want to settle him back down again for sleep. In theory he should fall be tired enough to fall right back asleep ;)
But I would definitely try the 4 hour thing first. I've been able to do it mostly by extending Keziah's awake time to about 2 hours and then putting her down for 2 hours (she often wakes after 1 hour but I just settle her right back down to sleep for another). Then when she wakes up it's been 4 hours since her last feed.

Anyway, if you have any other questions about the book feel free to ask me and I'll try to relay the info :) I hope things will start improving for you guys in the sleep department!!