Sunday, March 18


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Drea said...

love the dino jams. 2 cute

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!

That is the most adorable pic... he is so cute!

A couple quick comments... I did comment on a post of yours a few days ago... I too have formula fed my son as I gave up after getting mastitis (which NO ONE told me about before hand... I just may not have given up had I known it was a possibility...) My son was born Jan 10 and I'm feeding him 4oz during the day and 5oz at his bedtime and nighttime feeds (yes, I put a little rice cereal in his bedtime bottle)... and I"m about to increase his feeds by 1/2 oz each. So I think what you're feeding James is good... and increasing it is probably not a bad idea either! has a lot of good advice for formula feeding... even if you don't use enfamil.

Thank you so much for your post on encouraging formula feeding mom's... have to say that as one of them, I couldn't agree more.

So glad to hear that things seem to be going in a good direction and you're getting more sleep!

Ang said...

Can you just hear Em and I chiming in unison "sooooo cuuuuuuuttttttttttteeee"!

Wenona said...

Love the pointy little tongue! I can just hear the squeals!!

Gina said...

He is absolutely aborable!!

Nin said...

my sons a screamer too!! It's his favorite sound, at first it was like, aw this is so cute, now sometimes it's like......Baby! Could you stop??? ;)