Thursday, March 29

Two Firsts

James had two 'firsts' last night. He had his first night with a cold. I feel so bad for him, he is completely congested, coughing, sneezing, and a little pukey. Both Ryan and I have had this same cold, so it's no wonder he got it. How can you prevent those little guys from getting your cold when you are holding them all the time - and basically sneezing and coughing over their heads all day?! In any case, he still slept okay - but I kept a close eye on him, made sure he had no fever, and gave him Infant Dimetapp Cold Drops and a little Tylenol. He is trying so hard to be a happy boy, but he is obviously under the weather. I have to watch him really close, because at his age I got Strep Throat but it went immediately into the Rubella stage.

James also had his first night with a lightning storm! We had rain, thunder and lightning for a good portion of the night last night. I always love the first lightning storm - but this one was quite early in the season. Again, James didn't seem to notice.

Here are some pictures of James 'helping' me wash the dishes yesterday. He actually sat in the Bumbo for almost 10 minutes without complaining.


Dianna said...

Just a suggestion. I'm always cautious with giving my children too much drugs like tylenol,dimetapp,etc, if you want an alternative try liquid vitamin C in health stores my children hardly ever have colds. I give them Vit.C daily.

Janelle said...

tylonel never worked for me - i always use Advil. it works awesome!
he looks so cute in that seat!! :)
hey - i never e-mailed you - but about those words i want, i'm just waiting for Rod to give me the ok - or tell me if i should wait until we get our next house...i'll let you know as soon as i know - because i SO want to order them now!!!!

Drea said...

Love the bumbo. I have a bebepod I believe its called. Similar to the bumbo. I will try it with Taite in a month or so. Hes stll to young.

Sorry your sick. And its even harder when the kids are sick.
Taites already had 2-3 colds... having a 2 yr old brother made it hard to avoid these. He had his 1st at just 3 weeks old! He is 3 1\2 months and still hasnt had any shots.. because he was sick at 2 months when he had to get shots.. they wouldnt give him any sick.

He is doing just fine now.
Get a humidifier.. those really help.. and maybe elevate his mattress some to help him breath better. I usually just stick a few clothe diaper burp clothes under one end of the mattress to raise it at a slight angle.
I dont use much medication when their small.
Usually just "tiny noses" sailine solution for the nose and the booger sucker ;-)

Stacey said...

Hope the little guy feels better soon! Something that I try to do is only give tylenol if the fever gets too high. Otherwise it seems to become ineffective really quick. And I'd caution you on the advil. It works for a reason, it's super strong, and really bad for you!

-Me- said...

Ahhhh, I'm sorry to hear that James is sick, and I do hope he feels better soon!!! Your "mommy" instincts will tell you what is best for him!!! Good luck, and may he be better really quickly!! It's definitely hard to "prevent" them from getting sick, isn't it!

Kimberly said...

Oh it's so hard to have a sick kid! The first night our son was sick, I didn't sleep a wink! (Don't worry, by the time you've done this 10 times, you'll stick him in bed with medicine and drift off into dreamland yourself!) It's great how kids can just (usually) play through everything! We'll be thinking of you guys as all four of us are down with colds right now too!

Kimberly said...

Oh- When my oldest was sick for the first time I talked to a pharmasist and he told me that the baby stuff was fine, but not to give a young baby a cough supressent (even though there are baby cold remedies with them in there) especially if your baby has had any problems breathing like asthma or problems at birth because they also slightly suppress breathing.
We've also had success with propping up the mattress, but only until my son could roll around (he would turn the other way so he was pointing down! Not helpful!)
Hope you have a better night!

Jamie said...

Oh I miss those prairie thunder storms - we never get thunder and lightning here on the coast!

Another suggestion for the congestion - apparently you can buy saline nose drops at the pharmacy. It thins out the mucous (sp?) and helps baby breathe. It's non-medicinal so you can use it as often as you like. Apparently it works for older children and adults too (I wish I would've known about it when I had colds while I was pregnant!) I haven't tried it yet but apparently it works well and I will definitely get some for the next set of colds in our house!