Sunday, March 11


First of all, thank you for praying that we would have a good night last night. I am going to be a little hypocritical here, and talk about the good night we had - but remember, this is following a string of almost two weeks of BAD nights! We went to our friend's place last night, and came home around 9:00pm when James needed to eat. He fell asleep on the way home, so we just put him in his room in his carseat. He woke up at 3:00am! I nursed him, and then put him in his crib where he slept another full 4 hours! It was beautiful! God is so good, and I'm so thankful he blessed us with a night of rest before the big day today. We badly needed it. We are not sure why James slept so well, but we closed a door into our garage where our cats can usually come and go during the night. This part of the house is right next to James' room, and we are wondering if the spring-time mating calls of the cats have been waking him up. No clue - but we'll try again tonight.

Thank you also for your words of wisdom and empathy as far as James' sleeping and nursing goes. Sometimes it just feels better to know you are not alone. I love how someone commented that they hoped we would soon figure out our little "weirdo"! We laughed at that - babies are TOTALLY weird. I think that James is definately teething. He has a tonne of drool, and he WANTS to nurse but starts to cry. Seems like it may be a top, front tooth. Does that make sense? I thought the bottom ones come in first. Anyway, I think you guys are right on about that. I also appreciate the constipation advice. I'm going to try orange juice tonight. Thank you for making me feel normal.

Thanks also for your support and prayers for James' baby dedication. It was a great day, and the service was really nice. We had the church filled with our family and friends - it was so special! We will continute to pray for you as well, and we love you all. Unfortunately, our photos of the dedication didn't turn out well - but here we are anyway...


Erica H said...

Yay! I'm so happy you were able to have a good night! Let's hope that this is the start of a new habit for James! Hope this night is as good as the last...

Kimberley said...

Glad to hear that you were able to get some rest. God is always faithful even when we don`t expect it.

-Me- said...

You know, Taylor's dedication pictures didn't turn out very well either....strange how we can take pictures so much that turn out beautifully, but when it is something we really WANT a picture of, don't work as well!! I'm glad to hear that James slept well Saturday night also!!!

mommy1 said...

Glad to meet you! Stop by I am posting your concern about supplemnting today!

James is a cutie. And things will get better, it took my son 8 months to sleep through the night uck! I will definatly pray for a quicker transition for you!!

Jamie said...

I'm happy you got such a great sleep!!
Just to clarify -- did James sleep that whole long stretch in his car seat? If so, that might be why he slept better. We actually let Micah sleep in his car seat for a month or two as an infant since we noticed he slept better. I think he just felt more snuggled. But I find that a good swaddle and placing rolled blankets on either side of baby seems to also do the trick in giving the "snuggle" feeling. Just a thought!

Oh and about the couple you mentioned on my blog, I don't think I know them. Are they from around your area or mine?

Summer said...

That's great that James slept so long and you have got some sleep.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Yep he's is one cute baby. I don't think he'd be as cute if he had hair.
I'm glad we could be there for the big day and I am excited to be in Jame's life as he grows in God.

Becky said...

I agree with Jamie that it may have been the carseat... Sam and Ben both slept many nights in their swing by my bed. I think I would have died without that thing.

As for the teething... I think there might be a norm for what teeth come in first, but babies are weird and I think they can come in in whatever order. Both of my boys top front teeth came in first. My cousin's boys both grew their top eye-teeth first, giving them a vampire-fanged look for a while. LOL. I don't think it would be very surprising if James had a tooth coming in on top, especially if he's drooling lots. Sam's first ones actually seemed about ready to pop out once and then went away for a while. Weird. Then they came back. With a vengance.