Monday, March 19

Sick of Me Yet?

So, how sick of hearing about all my problems are you? I don't blame you, but I guess you have the freedom to choose whether or not you read this, so it's sort of your own problem. Tonight's game plan is this:

1. Give James a nice warm bath, and lube up with moisturizer.
2. Feed James a nice, big, warm 6 oz. bottle of formula (until today he was only getting 4 oz.).
3. Burp frequently to avoid tummy issues (I often wouldn't burp him once he fell asleep).
4. Put him down to sleep with just a small, thin blankie draped over him (no swaddling).
5. PRAY for him - I often forget to do this in regards to his sleeping.
6. Hope for the best... but try to accept the fact that he may eat every 3 hours all night, and not expect anything more or less... okay, maybe less.

Will update you tomorrow sometime. I have also made an appointment to see the Dr. again on Friday. I'm going to talk to her about getting back on the meds... I think I am probably needing them, as I am having trouble rationalizing again. Something I'm usually almost TOO good at. Thanks for listening. Good night friends.


Domestic Bloggess said...

Heather - I'm so praying for you. I wonder 2 things. Do you have "white noise" playing in James' room when he sleeps? We got a heater at the beginning of winter and leave it on (when we're awake.) It seems to block the noise from the rest of the house to help our guy sleep more soundly. Maybe a humidifier makes a similar noise and you could actually leave that on all night? Not sure, just a thought.

Also, I don't remember you really mentioning it, but do you nap when James does? Every mom since the dawn of time says you should. I never felt I needed it until about 6 months when I hit a wall. It was tough to say "the housework can wait" but I did and I find it works miracles for me throughout the day.

I agree with your talk about prayer. Last night Palmer didn't want to fall asleep, yet he didn't want to be held either. So I put him in his crib, sat in the rocking chair beside him and prayed. He quieted down almost immediately. There's something to be said for prayer and I hope yours will be answered swiftly.

Jamie said...

I'm not sick of you yet :) I hope the night went better!

Erica H said...

curious to know how your night went...

Becky said...

Oh Heather, I feel so bad for you. You sound so overwhelmed and tired. I know that doesn't mean you aren't enjoying and loving little James, but I am sure it is coloring you feelings about your first months with him.

I don't want to sound like a know-it-all, but he is only around 4 months old right? I was reading up on sleep methods (for Sam) and most of them said that most babies are ready to sleep through the night somewhere around 3 to 6 months... So... Maybe James isn't ready?

*Ducks to avoid flying bottles and diapers.

I know we all wish he would sleep for you, but it might be a while yet?

*Hides behind chair as nursing pillow flies by.

It sounds to me like you are trying all kinds of great things and James is a very lucky little boy to be blessed with a mommy who works so hard caring for him. I sure hope you find something that helps YOU feel better soon.


Ellen said...

I don't want to sound like i really know anything :) but it may be a good thing to get back on meds as little James may be feeling your tension and frustration and that in turn makes him unsettled.. those little ones are so perceptive!! (and being calm at the end of ones rope is something you can't fake!!) you are also in my prayers..

Anonymous said...

Nicole - Thanks for the prayers. I do nap when James does... sometimes. I should do it more often.

Becky - Hahaha! You are funny - and totally right. I can hardly expect James to sleep all night, but I do need him to sleep a little more. ((((HUGS))))

Janelle said...

not sick of you at all! i sure wish blogging was a part of my life when i was a new mom! somewhere to write down, and get out all of my frustrations and questions!!! this is all a part of learning the life of a Mommy. as i've said before - i PROMISE, it does get better, and easier, and even more joyful!!
i LOVE you!!
p.s. thanks sooooo much for the GC for Kamryn! i'll be sure to send you a pic of what i pick out for her when we go to Edmonton!!!