Monday, May 8

WARNING: Girl's Only Post (or read at your own discretion)

Just a question for all you previously pregnant gals out there. All the books/websites say that a normal pregnancy discharge is just milky and white. What if you have a little bit of yellow, but no odor and no itching/burning? With the previous pregnancy I went to the doctor exactly because of such a discharge. This is slightly different than that one was, so I'm not in panic mode yet - just want some opinions. Should I run to the doc's, or just wait it out a little bit?


Janelle said...

it might just be a yeast infection even if there isn't any itching or odor. don't wait more than 2 days though. either the itchiness with come soon, or it's something else. i remember having alot of discharge with Kamryn but i don't remember it being yellow. sorry, i'm not much help.

Nin said...

If you're concerned, head to your doc. You'll lose nothing by finding out that it's nothing.