Wednesday, May 24

Eww, I think maybe I just look fat here - but really, it's my 15 week prego pic!



Nin said...

So cool that you came across so many good finds while you were shopping. I love the capris! So cute! No, YOU DO NOT LOOK FAT! You look pregnant man! For the first few months I felt fat, because I was growing out of all my clothes, but I wasn't big enough for maternity. Plus my belly hadn't gotten hard yet, so it was just all flabby, there were definately some mornings I'd get up and feel just gross. But let me assure you, now being out of that phase, you are not fat, you are carrying a beautiful little human in there, and your belly is just making room. You look so great, I'm so happy for you. It feel so weird to be so happy for someone I've never even met. But I rejoice with you, in a way I didn't think was possible with a stranger. But that's the Holy spirit, that connects our spirits together in unity. God is so good. Blessings Heather!

Heather said...

I totally agree Nin, that the Holy Spirit connects us. We are, after all, SISTERS in Christ! I am overjoyed for you as well, and I love all the little updates. It is amazing how close I feel to my blogger friends. I feel so very blessed to "know" all of you!

Kimberley said...

Glad to hear that everything is going well. We´ll keep praying that everything goes well. By the way you look adorable with your little pooch and definitly not fat.