Thursday, May 25

6 Random Facts

6 random facts about HEATHER - I've been TAGGED by here goes...

1. I am nine years younger than my husband. Most of our friends are his age, and when they find out how old I am they are always shocked and dismayed.

2. I still have two baby teeth in my mouth, and two adult teeth are permanently embedded in my upper jaw.

3. I have been on the Rosenort Chamber of Commerce for almost 3 years, my first year as Treasurer and the last two years as Secretary.

4. One of my favourite meals is egg noodles, topped with cottage cheese and ketchup. The same combo also tastes good on KD. Most people (including my husband) will not try it, and think it looks gross. My entire family loves it. I had one babysitter (Cora) who was brave enough to try it, and now she serves it to her kids!

5. I lost both my baby toenails in a wheelbarrow-jumping accident. They have since grown back, but have never been the same.

6. In my early teens I was an avid dirtbiker (owned a Honda XR80), and could keep up pretty well with the boys. I did it just to impress the boys I liked.


Wenona said...

That's a great list Heather! lol - what kind of wheelbarrow jumping accident did you have? I can only imagine lol!
And dirtbiking? Really cool!

Heather said...

Wenona - I was being chased through my parent's yard by my brother, and I took a flying leap over a wheelbarrow that was in my path. All but one baby toe made it over, and then when I fell to the ground on the other side I stubbed the other baby toe!

Janelle said...

haha, that's hilarious!