Friday, January 27


When I first found out I was pregnant, I signed up on all these pregnancy sites and for their emailed newsletters. Does anyone know how I can stop them? I don't want to mark them as spam, or block the sender in the case that I want to receive them again in the future. Right now though, they are really depressing, because I get these messages in my Inbox that announce "Congrats Heather, You are 18 Weeks Pregnant Today!" and stuff like that.


patti said...

heather, sometimes way at the bottom of the email in small letters is a place where they say you can unsubscribe to the emails.

hope that helps

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather I just want to say that is is an awesome to see you being so real on your blog. I know other bloggers who have done the same and tons of people from all over the world were touched. Keep being real. I believe He will use your story to help others in similar siturations.
Love, Rebekah

Heather said...

Thanks Patti - I think that worked.

Rebekah - thanks for the encouragement. It is my prayer that someone will stumble across this blog, and maybe, just maybe I will be able to help them through the pain of a miscarriage.