Sunday, July 30

Baby Bjorn-O-Rama

My latest full time job has become shopping Ebay for a Baby Bjorn baby carrier. This great idea was brought to my attention by my friend Jeryn, who is in the same line of shopping that I am lately. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what all the hype is about over these particular baby carriers (so if anyone knows, let me know), all I know is that they are "the best". They don't seem all that different than the Snugli carriers I've seen. Anyway, they retail at about $130 at Toys R Us, so I figure I have 3 1/3 months to get a fantastic deal on one on Ebay. So far the bidding has gone a little too high for my liking - around $85-90 (which doesn't always include shipping). I'm hoping to score one for about $60-70 (shipping included) - which is what they sell the higher end Snugli's for. I want one for our winter vacation, as the baby will only be about a month old. I'm not prepared to haul the entire stroller out there, and it would even be nice to have the carrier for on the plane - we have no seat for the baby. Thus, the obssessive Ebay browsing/watching/bidding continues... by the way, if you know anyone who wants to sell a Baby Bjorn carrier, let them know I'm looking!

NOTE: Man in photo is not my husband, nor any other relative. I have no way of tracking him down to give him your phone number.


Janelle said...

if i can give you a little recommendation - just borrow one. we only used one on Kamryn for about 5 months - and then it doesn't get used again...though i agree that's a great alternative to use on your trip since the baby will still be such a peanut...but if you can - just borrow one! way cheaper for something you use SOOOO little.

Amber said...

I never had one of these for Hailey...but I can see how it would be useful on your trip if you aren't going to lug a stroller along on your travels. Smart thinking starting early searching for a good deal on eBay. Impulse buys are sooooo tempting :) Good luck!

Lindsay said...

So can you get me his email address then? :)


Jodi said...

I bought one and my daughter hated being in it. I got it used from a friend and re-sold it luckily as we used it maybe 3 times. It depends on what your baby likes. I'd also recommend just borrowing one if you can find someone that has one.
Not sure on the difference between baby bjorn and the others but I know a few people who have used the snugli's and had no problem with those.

:) jodi

Drea said...

Hey I found your blog through my friend Ambers blog. I was going to recommend to you a different type of baby carrier. I had a baby bjorn carrier with my son Caleb.. and to be perfectly honest it didnt work very well. It was very difficult for me to adjust and put on while juggling him around and other things.

My friend Lis though has this great SLING carrier that she recommends to ANYONE. Shes actually letting me borrow hers when I have our 2nd child (Due on Christmas this year).

She used her sling w/ her daughter Providence way past age 1. She said some days she still uses it to brace her on her hip when she knows she'll be holding her for a while.

Check them out:

Oh and the sling she has is the simple "SAGE SLING. Its like 70 dollars"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice Drea. I have had recommendations for the sling, and it sounds great - but my hubby doesn't think it looks very "manly". So, we'll give the Baby Bjorn a shot, and if it doesn't work we'll try something else. Thanks also for making me feel better about my size! I think I'm getting over it now, and just happy to be looking pregnant.

Drea said...

your welcome heather :-)
not manly enough ;-)
I make my husband carry my pink diaper bag! haha

Heather said...

very random how i came across your many different blogs to even explain. i live in winkler (not sure where you are) and have a baby bjorn that we are done using.. its yours if you want it. let me know by posting a comment on my blog and we can work it out.