Thursday, January 15

It's Time

It's time to let the cat out of the bag! Guess what everyone?! We are expecting again! Sadly, this announcement is sort of losing some of it's excitement value. I've actually been having a hard time telling people, because:
1. It doesn't seem to be that exciting for anyone anymore, and I don't blame them!
2. It means I have to go back to everyone with the news IF things go badly (but they won't).
3. I know so many people who are struggling to conceive, and I don't want to hurt them.
But we are expecting again, and I can honestly say that I am feeling mostly optimistic. I knew it was possible that we could be bringing home this very special souvenir from Maui - but it happened a little sooner than I expected! I actually didn't even notice that I was already experiencing pregnancy symptoms before the "special date" had arrived! In hindsight, I now know that I must have gotten pregnant almost a week sooner than expected - and began to have symptoms almost right away. I did not clue in when I whiffed a glass of wine and almost gagged. I also didn't think much of the VERY noticeable weight gain/water retention/bloating when we came home and I couldn't fit into the jeans that I had worn on the way there. I just figured I had over-indulged on all the good stuff. Anyway, a day or two after the "special date", I asked my sister-in-law how soon a person could start getting pregnancy symptoms? I had started to notice some definate changes in my... body. I sort of waved it off, and assumed that perhaps wearing my bathing suit so much wasn't providing enough support to "the girls", and they were a little sore. After being home for about a week, the symptoms were getting pretty unmistakeable - but I still assumed that I hadn't been pregnant for more than a week or two. I went to see my Dr., who also thought it would be too early to test. We decided to wait over the weekend, and do a test the following Tuesday. I got home, but was simply not convinced that I could only be just a few weeks pregnant and have such noticeable symptoms. I took matters into my own hands, and did a test at home - in the middle of the afternoon. What I got was...
I was so pumped! I've had a few days where I've felt the fear and anxiety try to make it's way in - but I've really been fighting it. I also feel optimistic because I'm taking the progesterone supplements, and it feels so good to actually be TRYING to do something to help. I am also relying on a lot of Scripture, particularly James 5:14-15, which says:
Are you sick? Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master. Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven—healed inside and out.
I had our pastor couple, and some church elders anoint me with oil and pray over me in November. I am believing in a miracle - and I believe I am healed. I DO believe that this baby is going to be in our arms in a few months! All your prayers are definately welcome, as I know that the next few critical weeks will be a little tough for me. I hope to stay as busy as I can, to keep my mind from worrying. I just also want to thank all of you for your support - it means so much to me to know you are standing behind us.


Domestic Bloggess said...

Wonderful news! That kind of announcement could never lose its luster :) I'll be praying for an onslaught of positive thoughts to fill your mind with while you wait for these next few weeks to pass. Congratulations.

Amber said...

Heather! I'm excited for you!!! It's one answer to prayer and that's HUGE news! I will definitely pray for the little baby to grow healthy & strong :) HUGE congrats! Take Care!

Erica H said...

This is very exciting news indeed! Continue to think positively...its one of the best things you can do for you and your growing baby!

maresi said...

This kind of news could never not be exciting! What a blessing! I will pray for you and this little person, and I am glad you are experiencing joy. Many in your situation won't allow that happiness to take root, and what a hard way to spend 9 months. A virtual **hug** from FL for you.

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!! I have been praying for you all along and this is like an answer to prayer! Hang on little bean - I want to meet you.

Lots of hugs
- Liane

Tammy G. said...

Heather, this is awesome! I am so happy that you are sharing the news. I too could never tire of this announcement. I'll be doing the happy dance when you are on your 12th child. lol

Trev and Rebekah said...

You know I am excited for you and that I am praying. I pray that at some point in these 9 months we can be pregnant together.
Keep us updated on how you are doing. We trust God for a miracle for you too.

Renee Shaw said...

wow, that is so exciting Heather!!! Don't feel that we are bored of hearing the news, cause we're not!!! I am so glad to hear this news on my sons b-day :) I will pray for an awesome pregnancy and for strength to run after James at the same time!! :)

Raine said...

Awsome news! Very happy to hear about the addition to the family. I will be praying for peace for you and health for this baby. I hope these next few weeks will fly by and be filled with positive thoughts and expereiences for you.
Praise God for his promise in scripture and his work of healing in you life and body.

Lindsay said...

I KNEW it!! I so knew it! I have been praying for you lately and I knew you would be pregnant soon. God is so good. Congratulations Heather and family! Don't let guilt take away from this incredible announcement! Praise God!

Rena said...

Congratulations! That's VERY exciting news!

Leslee said...

Pregnancy news never gets old...CONGRATS to you and Ryan and James! Praying for your healthy and strong baby...that he or she will be a huge blessing in your life and that you will be equally a blessing in his or hers...

grahamandkristy said...

Congrats Heather! Will be thinking of you and praying for you, especially in the next couple of months!!

Gina said...

Never bored of hearing news like that!! Congratulations, and many Blessings to you...

Beth said...

Yeahhh!! Congrats!

Kara said...

Congratulations Heather. I will definitely be thinking and praying for a healthy baby for you in the coming months.
Take care!

Julie and Greg said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!

patti said...

being pregnant will always be good news and we are all so genuinely happy for you!
i pray your body is strong and your baby grows healthy.

Lauren said...

Congratulations Heather! That is so exciting and wonderful! I'll be praying for you!

Stacey said...

Awesome! Congrats Heather.

Wenona said...

Awww Heather!!!! I have tears in my eyes. I will dedicate myself to continue praying for you and your perfect little baby. Take care my dear!!!

Tamara said...

so excited and happy for you.....This is truly what you deserve...think POSITIVE!!!!!

HUGS and prayers to you for a great blessing in 2009

Jamie said...

Yay Heather!!!! I am so happy for you. I'll be thinking of you.

Dixie Vandersluys said...

Of all the weeks for me to skip a few days checking my list of "private" blogs! Congratulations, Heather. That is wonderful! Add my name to the long list of people praying for this new little life. And I'll pray for God's peace to fill you in these next few weeks. Congratulations!!

Jeremy said...

I had already congratulated Ryan, but of course I'm as happy for you. Good luck!