Wednesday, January 28


In 1859 a man named Emile Blondin was the first person to walk a tightrope over the Niagra Falls, from the U.S. side to the Canadian side. Over the years he proved to be quite the showman, doing a somersault in the middle of the rope and then continuing to walk across it, walking across in a gorilla suit, pushing a wheelbarrow across, etc. One day he asked the crowd of 100,000 if they believed he could walk across the rope with a man on his back. The crowd chanted "We believe! We believe!". Mr. Blondin then asked the crowd if someone would please step forward and volunteer. The crowd stood quiet. Eventually Blondin's manager came forward, and Blondin successfully walked over the rope with this man on his back.
How often do we claim to believe and trust in God, and yet when it comes time to prove it, we cannot give up our lives to Him completely. I am guilty of this. I WANT to trust God, in fact, I likely have said that I do in many cases. But right now, when it's truly time to hand everything over to Him, I can't let go. I don't entirely trust Him to fulfill my needs the way I want them to be fulfilled. I almost convince myself that if I do trust Him, I am going to end up disappointed, because surely God's will for me is never the same as my own. Do you ever struggle with giving things up to God? How do you get past your fear of disappointment?


Jamie said...

These past couple of years have been an interesting journey in trust for our family. Sometimes God seems to answer the small prayers and leave the very large ones unanswered. It is easy for us to live a life of "faith" when everything is easy, but when things start to fall apart, we question why. Where is God in this?
I guess it's been a journey in learning that God is God. Period. We can't understand his ways - and I don't expect we ever will. And yet, we can KNOW that he loves us. There is a sweet, sweet surrender in realizing that fact.

Niki said...

Yes yes yes! I defintely know what you're talking about. That has been a huge struggle for me too, especially these last few weeks. I fight with the same lie (that God's Will will never be the same as what I desire). I haven't overcome it. I still struggle. I do try to name that thought as a lie and fill my life with Truth (that God DOES care, and that He DOES know my innermost desires, etc). Thinking of you and praying for you.

Nin said...

I can safely say that every single human being on this planet struggles with laying things down, trusting, and giving over our dreams/fears/hopes.....
It doesn't seem to matter how many times I have seen God come through just like He said He would..... I still struggle with trust.
Am walking this out in my life right now, and am thankful that God is faithful even when man is not.