Thursday, January 22

Pregnancy Progress

Well, according to my ticker I am six weeks pregnant. I sure do hope that I am six weeks pregnant, and I sure do hope (and believe) that there is a six week old baby living cozily inside my womb right now. The tough part is having no way to really know. The waiting nearly drives me insane. I have to make a huge conscious effort to keep busy, otherwise my mind wanders off to dark places. My previous miscarriage history is as follows:
First Pregnancy - signs of miscarriage at 14 weeks, baby was approx. 8 weeks

Second Pregnancy - JAMES IS BORN!

Third Pregnancy - signs of miscarriage at 11 weeks, babies were approx. 6 weeks

Fourth Pregnancy - signs of miscarriage at 10 weeks, no baby present

It would appear so far that there have been no signs of any major problems. In my last three pregnancies, I had early bleeding which required me to have a WinRho shot within the first few weeks of pregnancy because I am RhNeg. This pregnancy I have not experienced any bleeding, which I am taking to be a good sign. The bleeding I had with James was a minor "yolk sac bleed" which is apparently common, but not always seen because early ultrasounds are not always done. In my first and third pregnancy, it was noted on the ultrasound report that there was large "subchorionic bleeding" shown - the same kind of bleeding I had with James, except lethal in these cases. There is nothing that can really be done to prevent these bleeds - however, taking progesterone, and avoiding intercourse is suggested as being some ways to help prevent it. So, I am hoping and praying that it will do the trick. I am also taking "baby aspirin" as per several people's suggestions. I feel like a regular pill popper! But I'll do anything I can to help this little one survive.

When I take time to think about how complex it is for that little being to come to life - how many cells connect, build and grow, it makes it seem almost unreal that ANY baby can really make it. Looking at James, how beautifully and wonderfully made he is, is so truly amazing. When I can see the veins in his hands, the hairs on his head, his ears, his fingers... all in the right place, working as they are supposed to. What a miracle! How AMAZING! God is so good to us.

My pregnancy symptoms are all of the usuals. I am exhausted, and I don't recall being exhausted like this in any of my pregnancies except with James. I am bloated, gassy, irritable, and constipated. Body parts are growing (just graduated to a larger bra this week), tender and unhappy. I am also feeling more and more nauseous - but this time around my nausea hits the worst at night, so I've been having trouble sleeping. I think that this is because I take the progesterone at night. It's completely possible that the progesterone is providing all of these symptoms for me, and masking other problems - but I am hoping that it is simply helping my body do what it is supposed to be doing right now. I don't really think I am showing at all - I can't remember when that happens? The bloating makes me look about 4 months pregnant right now. I appreciate all your prayers and support. I do feel it, because I have a lot more peace than I thought I would. I'll keep you updated.


Jessica said...

Glad you're feeling good! I had bleeding early on in my last two pregnancies, but not when i miscarried and both those babies were fine. So just so you know if it does happen, it doesn't necessarily mean something bad. What's the reasoning on the baby aspirin? Aspirin thins your blood so i'm just curious why they recommended it. Excited for you and this baby!!

maresi said...

I am glad that you are doing so well, and are working hard to keep your spirits up. I'm convinced progesterone saved my last pregnancy, and I'm hoping it makes a difference for you, too.

Erica H said...

Yeah! 6 weeks! :) I always had spotting, and really bad cramping with my 2 pregnancies, and they've both gone on to be healthy pregnancies. Its still scary, though. And in your situation I can't imagine the fearful thoughts that run through your head...but you've got lots of fellow momma's praying that the peace remains in your heart.

Lena said...

Yay! I am glad to hear things are going well. Praying for you!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

praying for you as always. Missing you too.

Becky said...

Ahhhhh! Where have I been? YAY! I'm praying for your little one in there. Oh Heather, I'm praying SO hard! I wish I lived close enough to come over and bless your tummy the way a lady from our church always does for us preggos. Give baby a little pat from me anyways.

Stacey said...

After losing our little one, I think I will be a nervous wreck if I get pregnant again. I can't imagine the wait for the ultrasound, or even to hear a heartbeat. Yikes. Hang in there!

Brandi said...

praying for you Heather that God will wrap a hedge of protection around you and your little one

Jamie said...

I am feeling hopeful with you that this pregnancy will be a success. God, protect that little tiny baby inside of Heather and help it to grow healthy and strong!

Niki said...

I've been thinking of you and praying for you alot lately...hope all is well.

Nin said...

love reading of your progress and symptoms! I was TOTALLY exsausted with Daniel. My hubby would come home from a hard days work and find me just wiped..... even though I hadn't lifted a finger all day! hehe.
Growing a baby is hard work. Does James still nap in the afternoon? Hopefully you're able to squeeze a nap in here and there.