Tuesday, January 20


I was going to write something like, "So, what has James been up to lately?", but realized it's more like, "What HASN'T James been up to lately?!". James is a very, super active two year-old. Since getting home from Maui James has been a handful to say the least. I mean this in both a positive and negative way. He is usually happy, and has very rare grumpy moments. He only gets grumpy when I have to finally put my foot down and say "NO". Lately, I've been saying those words a lot more than usual, as well as "stop that", "please don't do that", "get off of there", "not right now", "listen to mommy", "listen to mommy please", "LISTEN TO MOMMY"! James seems to have gone deaf over the last few weeks. He has developed a serious case of Selective Hearing. It can be quite frustrating - especially at inconvenient times. For example, when he running at full speed with the mini cart through the store and I can't catch him. For this exhausted, prego-mama it is a lot of work to keep up these days. I think we are all looking forward to warmer weather!

I wasn't intending on complaining about James though - just stating the truth of his current stage. He is growing like a week, going from 34" tall in October, to a full 35" tall as of this morning. He is weighing in at about 26 lbs, which isn't big - he's really mostly muscle. With all the action, there's no way he can keep on weight, so I don't limit his diet of healthy fats. He still drinks lots of homo milk, lots of cheese, etc. He's a great eater, I can't complain about that! He will try a lot of things, and is getting better and better at eating a variety of foods. I am also getting better at tayloring our meals to work for everyone.

James is not anywhere NEAR potty training (see photo to the left). I had been all motivated the other day when I got a $3 off coupon for Pull-Ups, so I went and picked up some cool Cars ones. James has occassionally sat on his potty, and on the big potty - but never pooped or peed in it yet. I tried to make the start of training fun and exciting, but it had the opposite effect. He is now totally determined NOT to be on the potty. So, I'm not pushing it. I'll wait for more "signs of readiness" and try again in a month or two. It might be easier to wait until summer, we'll see.

James is an entertainer. He is an acrobat. He doesn't stop moving, talking, joking, tickling, jumping, singing, playing... EVER. He really is one of the happiest, fun kids I've ever known! He is always a complete goofball. It's so fun to watch him play imaginary things with his toys - particularly his Hot Wheels. Listening in to the conversation never ceases to be entertainging. One such conversation might go like this:

"Hello! How you doing? (noises inserted) Fill up the gas, OK! Thank you! (noises) 'Scuse me, thank you. Want some? No thanks. OK! Bye, see you soon!".

It's hilarious. He is also addicted to cartoons, which is a dream for prego-mama, because I definately need more rest time these days. He'll watch anything and everything, but really likes Toopi & Binoo, Diego, and Dora. I do still limit his TV watching, which he is usually totally fine with as long as HE gets to turn off the TV. He is very insistent that most of the time it's "MY TURN!".

It seems like yesterday that I was picking up 3 month clothes for him, and now it's 3T! I just noticed yesterday that I need to get him some new socks. Didn't I JUST buy him 24 month socks? It's crazy how fast he's growing. He's just barely fitting into his winter snowsuit from last year now - and the new one waits in the closet for next year. I'm determined to make this one last until Spring. At a baby shower James got a pair of size 7 rubber boots (classic black, with orange soles), and it seemed like it would be forever until he would wear them. Now I am already envisioning him wearing them this Spring in the puddles in the backyard. I try to savour every moment with him. I know that this is a very special time we have right now, before the new baby arrives. What will James think when my attention is divided? I want to just give him as much as I can right now. He is so sweet, loveable, huggable, adorable. I could never, ever has guessed I would have such a bright, intelligent beautiful little boy. I love him beyond words, and thank God for Him every day.


Amber said...

fun post heather. i really hope i'll explain this well enough, but here goes: doesn't it seem like there is that really wonderful stage that kids go through where they are just starting to UNDERSTAND and it's fun for them to be obedient & follow instructions because it's like one of their 'new tricks'. then eventually they tune into the fact that 'wait a minute! i don't HAVE to actually LISTEN to everything mommy is saying!!!' i know hailey went through that (eventually she started listening really well again because she got old enough to understand that her life AND ours was much easier if she tried to obey) and jayda is just in the 'hmmmm, let's see what happens if i DON'T do what mommy says' stage.

phew. know what i mean???? :) xoxo

Amber said...

ps - you are such a good mom.

Robin Fehr said...

Great post! I personally love the way James responds so happily when I say "James?..." and he goes "Yeah!". What a cuttie! He always seems so grown up, and it all comes so naturally to you!
He'll be a GREAT older brother! I can't wait to see is all in action. Our play dates will get EVEN more entertaining :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

I look forward to seeing that little man again in the Spring.
How did you get him to start eating better and trying new foods?

Anonymous said...

Rebs - I have a few tricks for helping James with food. First, I make sure he tries something at least 3-4 times before officially saying that he doesn't like it. Often by the 3rd to 4th try he likes it - or at least is willing to keep eating it. Also, I put ketchup on a lot of things for him. Anything garnished with ketchup for James is a treat. And with cereals, I let him have a drizzle of chocolate syrup on it. He isn't getting anymore sugar than he would eating sugary cereals, probably less. The syrup is iron-fortified, and he gobbles it up because he loves chocolate! We are also really into distracting him at mealtimes, and then shovel food in while he's occupied - otherwise he would hardly eat. He'll eat on his own up to a certain point (especially with foods he loves, like KD). But then he'll stop, before he's finished. We give him something to play with, and then keep feeding him - he hardly notices. Eventually he will tell us he's all done. I don't love having to feed him, but I do know that he is getting lots of food into his belly this way. So, for now I'll still help him out.

Anonymous said...

Am - I do totally know what you mean! :)

Julie and Greg said...

Gotta love Toopi and Binou! That is one of Emily's favourites - along with Max and Ruby. Although I do wonder where Max and Ruby's parents are...

Jobina said...

ah, all the lovely stages of childhood, the good and the bad. I hadn't caught up with your blog in a little while and was thrilled to see that you're pregnant...congratulations!!! Parenting a toddler when you are exhausted and nauseated is not easy, but it's just a stage, so if James watched a little extra tv, don't worry, this too shall pass!

Jeremy said...

Wow, fantastic post. He sounds like a real character; busy and fun and exhausting.

Nin said...

awwww! Mr James you are so cute! I love the last pic of him looking all freshly outta bed.
I'm glad to hear that he isn't anywhere near potty training, cuz neither is Daniel. He liked sitting on the potty at first, but now it's a fight to get him on. So I'm taking the same approach and not pushing it. I know he'll get around to it in his own time and am not worried, but it's always nice to hear others toddlers are also putting up fights, when I hear of sooo many kiddos that are already trained who are younger than Daniel! : P
I think James and Daniel would be great friends. They sound so much alike.
sorry I got so far behind in your blog. *blush