Wednesday, August 2

25 Weeks and Counting

Woohoo! We've made it to the 25 week mark! This week the baby weighs approximately one pound, nine ounces, and measures 22 centimeters crown-to-rump. Baby's ears are fully functional now, and he or she may even blink in reaction to a loud noise. The brain is growing rapidly. If we could look inside my uterus, we'd see a well-proportioned head and body. Baby's first meconium stool has been formed in the large intestine and will be excreted in the days following the birth. What an amazing miracle! God is so amazing - His creations are extraordinary! Isn't it something that we all started out this way? When you look around in a place like a crowded mall, its strange to think "All of these people exist because a woman somewhere had a successful pregnancy and delivery".

We are also getting really excited for the arrival of our new NEPHEW! He is due to arrive on August 17th, but we all think he is going to come sooner than that. It's too bad I can't be there for his arrival, but hopefully I will be able to get out to B.C. to see him shortly after he is born. With a niece and nephew as cute as these two, I can't wait to add another one to the list! Steve and Ang are such great parents too, and it has been so much fun to be pregnant with my sister-in-law Ang. We'll have to do it again sometime! Hahaha! We love you guys, and we are praying for the safe and successful arrival of nephew #2.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow. James 1:17


Wenona said...

Congrats on the 25 week mark! God truly is amazing with His creations - keep finding them everywhere you look. Blessings!

Amber said...

25 weeks?!?! Heather, your babe is going to be here before you know it - although I guess the last few weeks always feel the longest! I didn't know you were planning a trip out to BC - you & Ryan both?

Anonymous said...

Amber, unfortunately if I do get out to B.C. Ryan won't be able to come. I may go out there with his parents.

Erin said...

What a wonderful little creation inside you! God is good.

patti said...

25 weeks already...this is going so fast. it's funny how other people's pregnancies go so fast, and your own goes so slow.

Janelle said...

is that not a picture that should be on some kind of brochure or up in a photo studio? love it!

Erica H said...
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Erica H said...

Hey Heather! Okay, so I posted earlier but TOTALLY had a sentence in there that didn't make any sense. Have you found that since being pregnant your brain just doesn't function quite the same as it did before!? Anyway, great blog!! Pregnancy is SO exciting! I love being pregnant! Soon we'll have our babies in our arms...can hardly wait!