Wednesday, August 23

Sweatin' & Stressin'

You know that commercial for Lotto 649 where it says "Let's see your million-dollar happy dance"? Well, today I'm doing one of those happy dances... to be entering into my third and final trimester! Woohoo! I'm so excited, and am glad that I am going into these last few months feeling healthy, and relatively good.

Did anyone experience some serious sweating issues when they were pregnant? Every since my body temperature has gone up, so has my perspiration! I can't stop sweating - and it's really gross to always have armpit circles. I've tried all kinds of different anti-perspirants, but none of them are able to fight off this influx of sweat. Thankfully it really doesn't smell at all. It's just kind of embarassing, and I wonder if it is normal. I have an appointment today with my obstetrician, so I'll ask her.

I have been stressing out a little bit again too. I just want this baby to have a PERFECT start, and have all the BEST stuff, and all of the RIGHT stuff. This covers things from mattress pads to baby soaps, diapers to sleep positioners, toys to car seat covers. Unfortunately, I can't do that on a budget. So, I need your advice. What were your absolute ESSENTIAL, can't-live-without baby items?


Teri said...

skip the sleep positioner :) or send me your address and I'll dig out the one we used about 3 times with both kids. LOL!

i wasn't a big fan of the diaper genie - it was just as easy to toss the diaper in a grocery bag and throw it away.

get a good stroller and a good car seat. I totally recommend Britax - a lot of money but worth it!

you don't need a whole lot for clothes in the beginning, especially since you'll be having a winter baby. sleeper are great!

diapers and wipes. i'm a cloth diaper user and LOVE them. you save money over the long haul, especially if you have more than one.

we used a ton of receiving blankets in the first little while with Jake. those were great!

loved the robeez booties for cold winter days :) not a necessity but it was nice!

oh, if you have one of those infant carriers, getting the attached blanket thing would be awesome - no need to worry about jackets, or boots, etc.

since you're planning on breastfeeding, stock up on breat pads and lansinoh!

i'll be back after i think more. you really don't need a whole lot in the beginning. car seat, diapers, sleepers, lansinoh, somewhere for baby to sleep

Drea said...

Sorry I didnt experience the srious sweating :-) because I dont sweat like a normal person.

I dont even wear deoderant...

But I do get HOT during pregnancy... more so than normal.
Im usually always cold.. but when pregnant im usually hot :-)

Drea said...

Oh and yes Lancinol for breastfeeding is a must! I didnt really leak though.. But I hear most women do.

I only used like 4 breastpads ... lol. I have some washable ones that worked good... because I hardly leaked so I didnt have to waste money on disposable ones.

patti said...

one of the things that we were really glad we got was a little vibrating chair that could be rocked. It reclined nicely and so Hannah slept in there in our room and it was nice to have all around the house to put her in when we were doing other things. The vibrating helped to calm her too if she was crying. It can be used until she's around 2 as a little rocking chair which she loves to sit in now like a big girl and read her books.

another thing that I love is a sponge thing you buy at Walmart to have in the bath. it's like $5 and it has a little groove to lay baby in and it can go right in the big tub. it absorbs all the warm water like a sponge and you have both hands free to wash, and you don't have to deal with a slippery baby. very handy!

Jamie said...

Congrats on entering the 3rd trimester - the end is in sight!!
Personally, I think there are a lot of things that you can do without at the start - i.e. we bought a playpen with a bassinet for Micah to sleep in. We ended up putting him in his car seat for the first several weeks because he just slept better there and eventually transferred him straight to his crib.
As for other stuff that I used a LOT at the start: breastfeeding pillow, lots of burp cloths (Micah was a puker), soothers, baby swing, extra-absorbent nursing pads (I like the lansinoh brand), and breast pump, bottles & sterilizer. And don't skimp on the stroller - that's an important purchase that should be able to withstand several children!
One thing I didn't have last time that I bought for baby #2 is a swaddling blanket - to keep those arms tucked in extra tight. We'll see if it was worth the money :)

Janelle said...

in my experiences, baby batth's seem to be a waste of time, you don't use them usually past 2 months - or we didn't. i like Patti's idea of the sponge, i think i'll try that next time. i love the Gerber Oatmeal wash & lotion - yummy! i still use it on Kamryn.
buy some bottles, even if you plan on will probably need them from time to time. We used the curved Avante ones & i loved them.
a swing is a MUST...Kamryn spent most of her first months in her swing. for later on - you NEED a exersaucer - they are amazing.
Mary Kay skin firming lotion is the best thing i found for stretch marks - though you don't have any...but i swear by the stuff.
i agree with what was said about a diaper genie. we used ours faithfully & loved it for the first 6 months but once the diapers are big, you are emptying that thing everday & it gets to be a pain.
i have the best reciepe for home made baby wipes - they work amazing & are super cheap...because wipes can get expensive & you use them for more than just the bum! :)
i also agree with the Robeez - there is a cheaper name brand - Lil Joe's...we have the Maple Leaf ones. They fit awesome but are not waterproof.
and make sure there is lots of space on your computer for pictures! cause "Auntie" Janelle is going to want daily updates of Pepe!!!
if i think of anything else, i'll come back.
you know i love you tons & send big hugs & rubs to that belly!

Nin said...

wow! cannot believe you are coming into your third trimester! The time has completely flown by! I'm so glad to hear you've been healthy and feeling good throughout, what a blessing that is! God is so good!
I agree with everyone saying the diaper genie is a waste. I think the main important things are the stroller and car seat, swing, and yes, vibrating chair is a must! I sued one with my daughter and it was so good for both of us. She loved it, and since it's so small and compact, you can pick it up easily and stick it anywhere, the kitchen table if you're doing dishes, you're bed if you're putting away laundry... I loved my vibrating chair, and that was one of the first things that I put on the list of things to buy this time around.
I've never tried cloth diapers, I hear they're very money saving, (I'm not adventurous enough to try them out though). But if you are going to use diapers, don't chinse out on no name, ever ever ever! They are a waste of money, they leak, and cause you more of a hassle then the money saved is worth. My fave is pampers....but I haven't heard anything bad about huggies either.
Blessings!!!! as you embark on this season. Only a few months to go! wow!!!!!!!!!!!