Thursday, August 17

Checkout Line Chatter

So, I was at Superstore (or as my hubby calls it, "Stupidstore") this morning. While going through the Express Checkout, the lady across from me starts up a conversation. It went as follows...

Lady: So, when are you due?
Me: Mid November.
Lady: Ewwww... wow. You have a long wait yet. How are you managing?
(Nin, you know how awesome it is to be reminded of how long you have left to go...)
Me: I'm managing fine! I love being pregnant, and I've been blessed with good health.
Lady: Wow, I don't think I've ever heard that before.
Me: How could I complain about a miracle?
Lady: Wow... you are so right. Thank you for that reminder.
Me: I just want to enjoy every moment of this miracle. We wanted this baby - so I am overjoyed to be carrying it.
Lady: That is an amazing attitude. Wow. I just feel very blessed to have talked to you today. No one says things like that these days. I think your baby will be better off in this world with a mom with a good attitude like that. You must already love that baby. Some babies probably just want to stay in their mom's tummy and never come out. Like me... all the yelling that surrounded me... thanks agaibn for blessing me today.
Me: Well, I feel blessed that I could bless you! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Lady: I will, thanks to you!

And as a double blessing, I found an online coupon for a free apple pie from Superstore before I went to shop. Yay for Internet!


Nin said...

Praise God for using you as a vesel to share His love with that woman today! He is so good.
And yes, I'm starting to get real annoyed with people's silly comments. You'd think that 5 weeks wasn't a long time, but, leave it to people to remind me that yes indeed it is.

Wenona said...

Wow - good for you Heather! It's so awesome that you blessed someone else by sharing that. I only hope one day I can have the same attitude as you about pregnancy.

Unknown said...

Hi Heath,

that's great! She'll never forget you

Drea said...

Haha thats cool.
I do hear so many pregnant women complain about their pregnancies...

People always come up to me "you feeling ok?" and have this like concerned look on their face.
I'm like "Yup! cant even really tell im pregnant sometimes lol."
Because I just have such a GOOD pregnancy...

it is a blessing.
No one comes up to me yet and ask me when I'm due...:-( I guess I dont look pregnant yet. I must still look "sorta out of shape" or something with my round belly haha.

Trail Rider said...

wow, that response was the best you could of said! of course for me, i always think of those things after the fact and then wish i could go back and say it. i feel the same as you with carrying a baby. it is such a joy and only a choice women get to do it and only a couple of times, I get to do it 5times!!!!