Monday, July 24

Baby's drawer of stuff.



Ang said...

oh crap, i'd better get organized too.

Janelle said...

oh i SOOO remember having all of that stuff ready to go. i thought i was so prepared & had SO much stuff - just wait - you won't know what to DO with half the stuff you get!
and next time i'm out there i'll help you eat that pizza - veggie is my favorite. but use the abbay excuse now - i'm realizing it doesn't work once the baby is HERE.
can't wait to see the pics tomorrow - i'll be praying for you tonite.

Drea said...

I love avent bottles :-) they are so cute! I hope to get some new bottles w/ this baby. Although I suppose I could just use my old ones... but they arent as cute as the new stuff :-)
<< are cute! I just saws these the other day