Monday, July 17

Sixth Month Surprises

Can you believe I'm into the first week of my sixth month?! Wow! I cannot believe we're here already. It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant again. I am just so thankful that up till this point we have remained healthy and that baby is doing well.

My side pain that I was experiencing has gone away now. I have been trying to be very careful not to lift anything too heavy, and have avoided doing anything strenuous (this includes most house cleaning duties). Well, I still have to keep the house clean - but I haven't gone on any big cleaning benders. My cold is also gone now - hallelujah - and now I'm on to some new and more interesting pregnancy symptoms.

Due to my male reading audience I won't go into any great detail about the strange breast issue that happened last week. Still a mystery, I at least know how to make it go away - and that's all that counts. I'm still getting a lot of kicks, and some of them are really strong! I can't see anything from the outside yet - but the strongest kicks are always at night when I can't see anyway. I've also turned into an OVEN! I finally understand why women have been giving me sypathetic responses when they have heard I'll be pregnant through the summer. It is HOT. We don't have a/c in our church, and the last few Sundays I've had to sit during the singing because I felt faint from the heat. I am SO thankful we have a/c in our house. Usually I am freezing, and would ask Ryan to turn the a/c down in the car - but these days I want it blasting straight at me! He's enjoying this change, as he is always boiling. I can't sleep with blankets on, and I can't have the shower too hot, and I can't stand to be outside in the heat for more than 15 minutes. It's crazy! I've also developed swollen ankles. Ick. I put on a pair of cute sandals last week, looked at my feet and thought "oh my goodness - what did I do to my FEET?". It's not very serious swelling, but noticeable to me for sure. So, I've been trying to keep them elevated when I can. I've also been getting a lot of comments about how BIG I am. At first I didn't mind, but by now I am tired of hearing it, because it causes me to worry. I know I come from a family that gets really huge during pregnancy, and I also know it's NOT twins.

I am also really excited because Ryan and I ordered our stroller/car seat and crib on Friday! It will take a few weeks for them to arrive, but I am thrilled to know they are coming. Both items were a gift from his parents, and we just feel so blessed. I can't wait to get started on setting up the baby's room.

I've also already had one "dumb mom" moment. Yesterday Ryan's cousins were at the pool with us, and I was holding baby Ryan (3 months old). He was wearing a onesie - and he was starting to get a little fussy, so his mom asked me to check his diaper. I totally blanked. How do I check his diaper when he's all dressed up? Do I hold his bum up to my face and sniff? Do I unbutton, and undiaper him to check? I felt like a complete moron. So, I just had to ask "Um, how do I check?". Thankfully, his mom was gracious, and just kindly told me to stick a finger in and look through the leg hole. Well, it was totally black in there - I couldn't see or smell anything! So, she had to come look herself (which meant she had to come out of the pool, I'm so ridiculous) - and found that he was, in fact, clean. So maybe I'm not so dumb afterall, but I sure felt dumb! I guess I have a lot to learn. She also made me feel better when she reminded me that it will all be so different when it's my own baby. Thanks Dana for not making me feel foolish.

My latest debate has been whether or not I want an epidural. I am honestly more terrified of getting an epidural than I am about the labour pain! My whole life I've been a bit paranoid of medications, and becoming addicted to them. In many cases (like with a headache) I'd rather just tough it out than take anything for it. So, I've been going back and forth on this one. I definately don't have a need to be a hero - so if I just can't take the pain any longer, I won't feel disappointed if I go for the epidural. But some people have told me I'll enjoy giving birth more if I just get it, and be more comfortable. What did you opt to do when you had your baby? And if you haven't had a baby, what do you think you would do?


Christine said...

About your epideral question, I am terrified of needles, and to think that I would have this HUGE needle! NO WAY! I also am not a big drug person, so I would try my best to go without it.

Teri said...

I had the epi with both of mine. I needed it with Zach as I just couldn't tolerate the pain any longer. With Jake (the younger one), I wanted to avoid it. But, the OB/GYN made me get it since they were concerned about cord prolapse and wanted me to be ready for an emerg. c-section if need be. The 1st one wasn't too great going in but hte 2nd one was a breeze! It wasn't your typical epi where you can't move your legs. I was able to move and was up and moving about two hours after the baby was born! It was great, really.

But, if you're not sure about it, do your research and if you hope to go natural, do a lot of research into techiniques to cope with the pain. I had a doula with both births and they are awesome to have! I would definitley recommend having one!

patti said...

i researched a lot regarding pain tolerance and what to do. since i did not want to get a epidural. i still have all my research in a binder if you want to check it out sometime. some is really enlightening. it's so hard to say because each woman's labor is so different and we all handle pain so differently.
i personally do as much natural things as i can for me, matt and hannah. it really does make a huge difference for us.
but let me know if you want some info. you can gladly puruse it if you want too.

Tamara said...

Heather: I tried to deliver both my kids without an epi but caved in. The needle didn't bother me because the pain I felt was worse. Both babies nursed just fine and were very alert at birth. With my DD I was able to pull her out with assistance. I felt great...its really a personal decision and don't panic too much about it just be prepared either way. Childbirth is a very different experience for each person and each labor.

Good luck yet again
congrats on ordering the crib and carseat/stroller combo

Nin said...

I'm such an oven too!! I know what you mean about having the air blasting on yourself in the car, me too, to the point where my hubby wants to turn it down. We don't have air in our place though, it gets pretty hot around here. Thank God for family with air conditioning.
That's exciting about your new stroller, crib and carseat, it'll be so exciting to set it all up when it gets in.
I for one am not going to try going without an epidural. I'm not one to try seeing how long I can stand something. I've heard of many people going natural and being very pleased with their decision afterwards, and for them, good for them. For me though, I'm not into toughing it out when there are things that can help me, but that's just me. It's totally a personal decision, there is no right or wrong answer. Which ever way you choose to go, make sure it's because that's what you wanted, not because of all the advice you got either way. Everyone is different, and those who are recomending going natural, might have handled it better than you will. Same with those of us who opted for the epidural, you might be way stronger than us, and your pain might be way less than what we experienced. I don't know that there's much research that can be done on either side, it's just a personal comfort thing. Sounds to me that you feel comfortable with natural forms of medicine, if that's how you normally feel, than go with what your gut says. Don't feel like you're trying to be superwoman, you're just being you.
Don't fret about it though, you'll make the right choice for you, and at the end of it all when it's all said and done, it'll be the farthest thing from you're mind when you've got that little baby in your arms.
As a side note too, you're going to be such a natural mother, you're heart is so big for children, and I see abig part of your destiny being with children. So don't worry if you do silly things, we all do silly things, no matter how long we've been moms or how many kids we have. I too am nervous about how I'm going to be a mom, and I have one already. As soon as baby is born, a whole new part of you will kick in that is God-designed, and you'll slip into your new roll as a mom with no trouble. :) bless you!!! I can't believe you're 6 months! (I'm so bad with leaving such long comments..... I don't do this with anyone else, I just always have so much to say with you! I'm just so happy for you! -lol)

Kim Funk said...

i do agree that an epidural allows you to enjoy the exciteing moments while your in labour and also allows you to carry converstations with you husband instead of always trying to endure those contractions...however like patti siad everyone handles pain differently and some can endure the pain but i think why when there is something out there that will cause you to enjoy the whole thing?..just my with what ever you decide im sure you will be just fine..blessings!!

Janelle said...

like everyone else has said - it's a personal choice.
i know what everyone means about not wanting to take medication if you don't have too - but you have to take into consideration that with your first kid - you have NO idea what labour is going to be've never experienced anything like it...and you can't depend on anyone else's stories since every situation is soooo different. So, to decide already that you will NOT take the epidural will mean that you will probably disappoint yourself in the end - and i've had friends that have felt GUILTY for taking the epidural because they felt that they should have gone naturally and in someway let everyone down - NOT THE CASE!! until you've been through it, you have no idea - so I would recommend not making a decision until you are in labour...and then go with the flow - and what the Dr. is telling you.
I am not afraid of needles, and so I was super confident that getting the epidural would be a breeze, but when it came to it - I was so freaked out...Rod said he'd never seen me so nervous. The needle itself really didn't hurt all that much - not any more than being examined every hour did. It's just the thought of having to be so still & putting that pressure on yourself. The Dr.'s are amazing though & help you through it...and it's 3 minutes of stress for however many hours of complete bliss - and yes, being able to actually ENJOY labour instead of sitting there in pain.
My personal opinion - i have NO idea how anyone can go without an epidural...but then again - I don't know many other people that were in labour for 4, I did NOT feel guilty when I finally got the epidural on the 3rd day...
I know that Patti found a method that worked for her - and it was natural...worth checking out.
Ok, out of all of that (which by now I've totally freaked you out) my advice is: don't put pressure on yourself to decide on this NOW. understand that there might be reasons why you would NEED an epidural - and allow yourself to be ok with that...
i'm praying for you that labour will be a good experience. And that you will be able to "enjoy" it! it's such a miracle no matter how it happens, or how it feels.

Ang said...

Hey Heather, my turn to gab on your blog! Hee hee, I love being the hot one in my marriage for once too! When we have the screen open in the evenings, Steve sits there in his fleece and me in my t-shirt sometimes.
Oh, the epidural question. May I just say that sometimes your balanced attitude astounds me. Here's my stories, and I wish were to the tune of having babies naturally at home, but, um, ouch!For Emily, I proudly let the nurse know that I would be requiring zero drugs when I arrived at the hospital. An hour later I was begging her to get the drug specialist guy from another floor to stop whatever he was doing for me to get an epidural. I never read a thing about epidurals seeing as needles have always been my great fear, but I couldn't have cared if they wanted to hang me upsidedown by my toenails in order to administer it when the time came. For Tommy, I let everyone within a 3 mile radius of the hospital know that I, Ang Plett, would be requiring an epidural. I also reminded my doc at nearly every appointment because she was skeptical about it. But having all these anti-drug nurses and my doc encouraging and applauding me through hours and hours of suffering was a drug in itself somehow. When the pain became like it was with Emily, I "turned" on my audience and called for the drug guy and one nurse in particular made it clear that she wasn't thrilled because sheeeee had done it completely naturally with her babes. Then they all gave me a speech that eeeveryone feels this kind of pain right before the pushing stage. In other words-"You're a loser". So, suddenly I wasn't feeling so special. Well the relief wore off in time for me to put on a big show of pushing that big "Plett Head" into this world anyhow.
This time? They can hang on to their hero badges and their quitter badges. The only thing I care about leaving the hospital with is this baby. (I mean, if they insisted on giving me a hero badge for once, I would probably take it, just to be agreeable of course)!

Ang said...

p.s. janelle's advice to wait till you're in labour and then "go with the flow" was awesome.

Trev and Rebekah said...

If I ever have kids I am not sure if I will have an epi. After seeing how much my father-in-law was not impressed that he had one for his surgery, I am really thinking I don't want one.

Anonymous said...

Whew! That's a lot of advice to read through - but I appreciate all of it. Thank you. I think the "go with the flow" option is probably suiting me best right now. I hope I'll learn more in prenatal classes.

Patti - I'd certainly be interested in seeing your info. Let me know if you are coming to town.