Sunday, July 23

Everything's A-Okay!

What a lovely weekend we just had. It sure was HOT though, but what else is new. I guess this is the effect of global warming? Who knows.

I went to see the doctor on Friday, and had nothing but good reports. All my latest tests came back completely normal. My blood pressure was perfect, weight is good (just had a growth spurt apparently), and measured a perfect 23cm. The baby's heart was also pounding away, and was hard to keep track of it because the baby kept moving! How awesome is THAT?!

I can hardly wait for our ultrasound on Tuesday! I am sooooooo excited, and of course, I'll post pictures. Thanks every one for continuously blessing us with your thoughts and prayers. We love you!


Amber said...

I can't believe how uncomfortably HOT it was today! Since we had been gone for the weekend our AC was off and I don't even want to know how much hotter it was inside our house than outside! Yikes. Hails & I went to swim in my M&D's pool to cool off. Hey, by the way, THANKS for the invite to F&J's pool last week. Unfortunatley we were still away at Hecla - that would have been so much fun! H&I were sorry to have missed your call!!

I'm SO happy to hear that everything is going so well with you & baby :) Ultrasounds are the coolest thing EVER and it is so exciting to be able to see your baby and know there is actually a little person with hands, feet, arms, legs etc. inside of you. It is so wacky,'s hard to wrap my brain around pregnancy & birth...God is SO incredible! Take Care Heather!!

Wenona said...

Can't wait to see pics of your little one! Glad to hear that everything is going well.