Tuesday, July 11

Side Pain

Alright, here is a question for you veteran mothers out there. About a month ago I started to get a pain in my right side, which feels exactly like a pulled muscle. I figured I pulled it because I had been picking up my nephew a lot, and playing with him without being really careful. After they left, it went away for the most part. I still haven't been really careful about lifting things, and have probably over-worked myself a little bit, and the pain is back. It's the worst at night, as I try to lie on my side, it doesn't matter which side I lie on it feels like I am pulling that muscle. I've tried stretching it out (ouch), and propping my tummy up with a pillow, which helps a little bit. It feels best if I lie on my back and stay really still. During the day when I'm walking around it bothers me on and off. My pregnancy books say a persistant pain is something to get checked out, and while I have a doctor's appointment coming up I keep wondering if I should be more concerned? What do you think? Personally, I don't think it's serious, and maybe I should just rely on my own instincts. I think I've just really pulled a muscle - and of course, that area is already pulled as it is! However, if it could be a more serious problem, maybe I shouldn't just be waiting around. Any suggestions?


Amber said...

Depends on exactly how far your Dr appointment is, but I would wait and talk to your doctor then. Pregnancy causes lots of aches and pains...so many things are growing, stretching and feeling overworked. Your body is making a human - so it's all understandable, just not comfortable! I remember the pains in my side...I don't quite remember how much & how long they bothered me though.

If you are really concerned, it won't help to keep questioning a special trip to the Dr....just go and get it checked out! It's not like you have to book time off work or anything ;) (hooray for early mat leave!) Whatever you decide, keep taking it easy!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I was playing basketball and faked right and felt the same thing.

It'll be over in ab...oh wait. You talkin' pain due to pregnancy?




Nin said...

I get those pains too, here and there. Man they hurt!! Sometimes I wonder if my insides just ripped in half! Those pains are definately normal, everything inside there is stretching and making room, and it will continue to do so until baby is born. But depending on how often you're getting them, if you're finding the pain is constant, then maybe you should talk to someone. But remember that everyone is different, and maybe your uterus is just having a harder time stretching itself out. It's the same with some people having strechy skin and not getting any stretch marks, and others get tons (like me). It's good that you're not worried, I think God would tell you one way or another if it was serious. Keep on being at peace, what a blessing. I do hope those pains lighten up for you though.

Janelle said...

i totally remember those pains! ouch! it was uncomfortable to sit, stand - whatever! i agree with Am - if your appt. is more than 2 weeks away - you should maybe go in - but i bet you it's exactly what you think it is...
i'll pray for you my dear!

Ang said...

I hope you go get it checked out, not that I'm worried. You still have a zillion doc appts. left (it's every two weeks soon, and then every week at the end) so what's another appt. right?
Have you heard of Belly support bands at Thyme maternity? I've only heard of them (uh, back in '98 when I was expecting Emily)but maybe the gals there will confirm that many women need them for the same issue...talk to you soon, love you.

Tamara said...

I don't remember any pains but trust your gut if you want to call call...since you have the time right now it wouldn't hurt...I remember they made me go in just for a cold...LOL

Teri said...

round ligament pain probably. but if you're worried, just call :)

Amy said...

Hey girl - I'm a L&D RN and see so many people for round ligament pain. The interesting thing is that with other babies you are all "stretched" out so you won't have this! How are you feeling now? Amy