Thursday, June 21

Seven Months Old - Road Trip

Could it be that my little newborn babe is over half a year old now? Wow. I always heard people say "they grow up so fast", but nobody ever said "they grow up at the speed of light"! I can't believe how fast James is growing up. I can so clearly remember every detail of his birth (it was not traumatic for me at all, I enjoyed my labour and delivery immensely and can't wait to do it again), it seems like it was yesterday.

He is such an incredible kid. Ryan and I always say he is a great training baby - he is SO easy. Other than his nighttime sleep issues, this kid is almost too good! He is happy almost always, and is very easy to diagnose if he has problems. A good toy will cheer him up almost instantly, and has saved me on many occasions. Particularly during needles (he didn't even cry for more than 30 seconds at his 6 month ones), and when he face-plants while trying to crawl. James wants more than ANYTHING to be MOBILE! He is getting himself on his knees and hands now and rocking back and forth. His attempts at crawling so far have only resulted in going backwards, and some pretty painful forehead-meets-hardwood falls. He is trooper though, and he keeps on trying. He also loves to hold our hands and walk. He takes these huge steps that make us laugh every time.

He is loving solid foods, and eats literally anything. His biggest treats are anything that come off of our plates. He thinks that is the BEST! My mom just made him some yummy homemade food, and he loves it.

Happy seven months Monkey! Daddy and I love you so much, and we are so thankful that we have been blessed to have you in our lives for seven months.

We are leaving next week for a vacation. Does anyone have any tips for travelling (both by air and by car) for a bottle-fed baby? How many bottles do I bring? How do I prepare them on the road? How do I get them washed (bathroom sink)? Also, any tips on how to prevent and treat mosquito bites? I think there must have been one in James' room at night, because he has little red bites all over his bald little head. Can you use spray on them? How about After Bite?


Mrs. Stam said...

Yes they do grow fast indeed. My little one is 1month 1/2 and I cant belive how much she has change.

Can't help you with bottle traveling issue, I'm still breastfeeding! Hping the traveling will be good!

Beth said...

I flew with Evan two weeks ago from Ohio to Missouri and it went better than expected! I took one full bottle with me and just had extra formula in a container in my diaper bag. Going through security was fairly easy. I used my Mei Tie instead of the stroller and that seems to work great. I heard from friends to make sure that he was sucking on a bottle or pacifier on take off since babies don't know to swallow when the air pressure changes. We stayed with my sister so I just used all her baby stuff but for a bath at the hotel just put him in the tub with you or your husband... and if you feel weird about it wear your swimsuit.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Mosquito net is good.
Do bathe him in a works. Do get out to stretch and for fresh air when driving. As for flying..I have yet to see how that goes.

andrew + camille said...

he is so dang cute!!!!!!!!!! how can u stand the cuteness!!!

RLE said...

He is so adorable! Love those big, blue eyes!
As for the mosquito thing, I do not know about After Bite, but as far as mosquitoes, I wouldn't use anything with deet at this point. I have seen various natural, deet-free repellants at the natural store, and a friend of mine said she tried them on herself and they didn't feel icky like regular repellant and seemed to work good, maybe look into that.

Jamie said...

Hey Heather - When we travelled to Edmomton last month I was bottle-feeding part time. I put my bottles in a small tote with my can of formula, a washcloth, a small container of dish detergent and a towel. I just washed everything in our hotel sink. If you're travelling by plane, maybe you can put what you need for the ride in your carry-on (a couple of bottles, a smaller container of formula, etc) and keep the rest in a zip-loc bag with your luggage or something.

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

Summer said...

Have fun on your road trip!! I totally agree that kids grow up too fast. My oldest will be 13 July 26. I can't believe on fast they grow.

Glad that James is a good baby for ya.

I also can't help you are travel advice since i breastfeed all 3 kids.

Christy said...

Hey Heather! I have seen mosquito nets that go right over babies cribs. Some people use them to keep animals out of their babies cribs. I am not sure what is safe repellant to use on babies. I would ask a pharmacist.

He is so cute and getting so big!

Kell Rees said...

He's such a cutie! They do grow up way too fast, were getting ready for Haileys 1st birthday!
I don't really have any travel advice, i haven't taken my kids anywhere far yet but i hope it goes good for you and you guys have fun!

Nin said...

What a cutie.....
We travelled to Winnipeg a couple of week ago by car. We took a cooler with ice in it, and put our formula container (which holds about 28 oz. of formula) and a couple of bottles that were also full and ready to go. We would just keep filling up those two bottles, and we'd rinse them in the sink of where ever we stopped for a break. We never had any problem with not having enough bottles.
I use the Off skintastic for kids bug spray on both kids, and I just make sure to not get it on Daniels hands since they're always in his mouth. I also spray a bit on my hands and pat his cheeks and forehead with it. There's a very low percentage of deet in it.

Ellen said...

I've travelled quite a bit with my little guy and I really found that the drop in liners were really handy cuz you didn't need to find a sink to wash the bottle - a lot of other good ideas have been mentioned by others :) hope things work well for you!

Miranda said...

Hi Heather, I found your blog through my sister Elina's. I have heard that it is good to put paper or styrophone cups over babies ears during take off and landing to help with the pressure. Hope that helps, and have a great vacation.