Wednesday, June 13

Milk Dilemna II

I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to do regarding James' milk. I prayed about it too, and asked God to give me a clear sign of what I was supposed to do, and then to give me peace about my decision. In the back of my mind, I was kind of thinking that if James started to sleep better at night, I would feel that was my sign from God not to start whole milk - but I did not ask Him for that, and decided I would let Him be the judge as to how He would show me what I should do. Wouldn't you know that James had a good night that night! He didn't sleep through the night, but slept from 8:00pm - 8:00am with just two brief bottle wake-ups in between. The next night was the same, and again the same the following night. Praise God! My answer was clear, do not start James on whole milk yet. I also felt completely at peace about it, and I am so thankful that God answered my prayer for a sign. God is good, and I want to make sure He gets all the glory for His faithfulness to me!

On the downside, James seems to be napping less now. I don't know which I like better! The better nights, or the longer naps! He was napping two times a day for two hour stretches, and was very easy to put down. Now he seems to be napping for only half an hour, to an hour, and makes a fuss before falling asleep. The last two days he has also been spitting up a lot, so I think I will just go back to the regular 0-12 month formula, and take him off the 6-18 month one.

I've included a photo of yesterdays "mommy" lunch. Nice, hey? James has been loving being on solids. I don't think he has refused anything, except for the plain strained meats. Everything else he loves, and also loves getting little pieces of things off our plates. He still seems to prefer the organic fruit and vegetables. I am hoping to start making some of my own baby food now too, but so far I've been too busy, and a little too lazy to do it. I'll probably start with doing some meat and veggie mixes in the slow cooker. Does anyone have any recipes for that kind of thing?


Heather said...

such a good site for baby food..

Unknown said...

When I make baby food I just steam the vegetables or fruit and save the water. Then I blend the veggies and add enough of that saved water (to keep the vitamins etc. that come out in the water in the baby food) and blend and then spoon it into ice cube trays and freeze that way. Then you can just pop the cubes into freezer bags and take out a couple as you need them. It's worked great for me.

Domestic Bloggess said...

So glad to hear you are at peace with the milk issue!

I hear you on the nap thing - I've been struggling with it last couple of weeks and have been praying hard about it. I wasn't getting a clear answer because my "wants" were getting in the way and because of that I was getting more frustrated than I would usually at the fact that Palmer wasn't napping the way he had been.

One morning it finally hit me: pay attention to Palmer's wants more than my own (it should have been obvious, but being wrapped up in my wants made me neglect that fact) and since then I've been paying extra attention to his signs and putting him down when he's tired as opposed to when his old schedule dictated and we have both had such a better week because of it. Here's hoping you and James can meet somewhere in the middle on the nap issue as well!

-Me- said...

Lately I've fallen in love with Ben and Jerry!!!!! So yummy!!! Let me know how the baby food making goes!!

Tidy Bowl said...

I need to drink more milk.
Since I'm not a mom that's about as much as I can contribute. I have a family history of osteoporosis, so I need to get loads of calcium. But I'm not very good at that! Hershey's makes a delicious flavored milk, but it's also loaded with calories. Too bad, because it really is good.

Erica H said...

My baby doesn't nap either, Heather. At least he puts in a few minutes! Glad to hear you're at peace with the milk issue. Isn't our God SO good?! He totally cares. I also give Annika only organic fruits and veggies.

-Me- said...

Hey Hun! I really hope it isn't one of those two days,...Rebekah told me that...I would really like to do it on a day when I can hang out with EVERYONE!!! but it definitely wouldn't be a one time thing anyways...this wil be the beginning of a beautiful thing...ahahahahhahah...corney, I know!! If you aren't around we will just have to keep on with our "coffee date" plan!!! But, I'm hoping that you guys aren't gone to BC yet!!!

Drea said...

One of Calebs fav. puree's was APPLES & Chicken! Sounds nasty but he loved it. ;-)

Glad James slept better and I think its good you took him off the older formula.. the spitting up was probably a sign his body couldnt take itall. So I think thats good.

Your a good mom! :-)and the Lord will bless you because of it.