Tuesday, May 2

Bad Things I Want to Happen to Me - Part II

Remember that post I wrote a while back (January 5, 2006)? It was a list of all the bad things I wanted to happen to me in my next pregnancy. Well, I got some of my wishes come true!

1. The achiest, sorest boobs EVER!
Yup, I definately have achy, sore boobs! For the last week they have also been ITCHY like crazy! I've tried lotion and Vaseline, but so far nothing is working. In my last pregnancy I only had sore boobs for about a month - which timewise seems to correspond with the date they feel the baby actually died. So, I'm loving my sore boobs. No complaints.

2. Constipation (again, but maybe worse this time)
Yes, I've definately been constipated again. I don't think it's worse than last time though. About the same, I'd say. I poop about once a week.

3. Bleeding - seems odd right, but I want some mega implantation bleeding.
Well, as you may have read, I even got this wish come true. It wasn't implantation bleeding, but it did lead to a couple of early ultrasounds, which was good. And, it isn't anything serious.

4. Vomit and crazy nausea
Okay, I've had a lot of nausea, and lately I'm nauseated mostly by my OWN cooking! How weird is that?! I puked once, but I think that was just a fluke because of my cold. The biggest thing that makes me nauseous is meat. I like to eat it, but just thinking about it... gross.

5. Heartburn
No sign of any heartburn as of yet.

6. Breast secretions
No secretions yet, but I expect it is yet to come.

7. I want to be dead tired
Can I take this one back?! Man, have I EVER been tired. I feel like I could sleep and sleep. I get home from work, take a nap, and I'm ready for bed at 9:00. I've just been dragging myself around for the last couple of months. Thankfully, I think my energy levels are getting better.

8. Darkening areolas
Not that I've noticed. I don't know that mine will change until later, if at all? Does everyone's change?

9. Cravings for the worst foods ever
This is a definate yes! I've been totally anti-fruit and vegetable. All I want is chocolate, chips, candy (Nerds), cookies and anything else sweet or salty. I had cravings last time, but this time it's nuts! Oh, and I have every kind of Cheerios on hand - can't stop eatting them. Good thing those are relatively healthy. I've also craved Arby's, Spicy Seafood Penne from Earl's, and marble cheese.


Nin said...

so cool to hear all your symptoms!
I got the sore boobs, constipation, heartburn, nausea and tiredness. (You'll probably get the darkened areola's too, it just takes a while)
Since all I've been craving is fruit, it helped out alot with the constipation, I don't struggle with that anymore. The achy boobs should go away after a while, and so should the tiredness. I was super rank tired in the first two months. I'm a stay at home mom, and I felt like I was running a marathon everyday. My hubby would come home and the place would be a disaster! He's ask what we did all day and we'd say nothing. :( I felt so bad, but that's how I felt, I could barely drag my feet around this apartment, let alone a job! So good work to you! But once I hit the third month my energy picked right up, now it seems better than ever. Something to look forward to anyway.
Sounds like your cravings are crazy! Hopefully your body asks for other things soon :)
It's so exciting that you're going through all these joys, (although some of em sure don't make you feel joyful)
So many blessings your way!
Are you going to find out the sex? My hubby and I are debating on whether we should or not. I don't know, what are your thoughts?

Ang said...

Wow. Not everyone would take it upon themselves to share thier bowel movement schedule, and that they rubbed Vaseline on their tender boobs which have yet to secrete, but you know, maybe more people should!
Reading this, I realized that somewhere along the line I lost the symptoms you've listed and now we're into the heartburn and indigestion. By the way, I'll be 25 wks on thursday so we're 12 weeks apart-sooo cool.

Heather said...

Nin, we will definately not be finding out the sex for this first one. We want a surprise! There are certainly pros and cons to finding out, or not finding out - but we both have this vision of the doctor saying, "Congrats! You have a healthy baby ______!". What makes you want to / not want to find out?

Nin said...

Well, I found out when I was pregnant with my little girl, and I just remember there being a much bigger sense of conection between her and I. I knew I was carrying a little girl, a her, a she. But I've also heard nothing but good things about waiting. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually hear those words "It's a _____!" and being like, really?! Instead of, yeah I know, now give her to me! lol! I was also there for both of my neices births, and we all knew they were girls. I'll keep you posted as to what we decide. If we do decide to find out, it won't be for a while, so we have a lot of time to think it over.

Pastor George said...

Congratulations. I will pray that everything will go well.
As to the renovation project you asked about on my blog, it went well. We are not finished everything and still have one room to do and curtains, but we like what we see. Come by and see it some time.

Kim Funk said...

hey i was visiting your site and wanted to congradulate you on your pregnancy..take care..i hope you dont mind me stopping by!

Heather said...

Thanks for stopping by Kim!

Heather said...

Nin, I can totally see how you might feel more connected to the baby when you know the sex. Something to definately consider.