Saturday, December 29

A Great Christmas

Wow - what a FUN Christmas! Unfortunately, I won't be able to post many photos - as my computer is not functioning 100%. Sorry about that, but please bear with me! Of course, James had a blast at all the gatherings and opening presents. He definately enjoyed all the boxes, bows and paper more than the actual gifts though! Most of the time, he just wanted to run around and be crazy with the other kids. It was so cute to watch him run with them! What a perfect time for him to have learned to walk/run. He also did really well with the late nights and going from the car to bed. I was impressed. His sleeping has improved a little, after a couple of CIO nights. We are finally sleeping from 8pm to 6:30am again. It would be hard to come up with a list of highlights - every part of this Christmas was great. I felt connected to the real meaning of Christmas in a whole new way this year, and it felt wonderful.

Ryan took a week off of work, and it has been SO awesome to have him around. I'm not sure how I'll feel when he goes back to work next week - even though it is a short week, with New Years and all. It's so nice to have an extra playmate for James to take me off the hook for a while!

I felt quite exhausted and not too well for most of the Christmas holidays. This was all explained when I did a pregnancy test on December 15th - and it was POSITIVE. Yes, merry Christmas to us - we are expecting baby No.2 in August of 2008! Of course, given my past I am still very apprehensive, because it's still very early. (I should just say I'm sorry if any of our close friends or family is finding out about this for the first time here). We have told most of our family and friends, so it won't be long before it is entirely public. Which it is now, I guess. :)

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, December 15

Glad Tidings

Merry Christmas everyone! May you have a blessed, joyful Christmas as you celebrate the gift that God sent to us - His Son, Jesus. I am off until after Christmas to celebrate and spend time with my little family. Love you all!

Wednesday, December 12

Changing Phases

Life here has pretty much been on a consistent schedule now for several months. We've still definately been dealing with nighttime sleep issues with James - but it's been hard to know what to do about it, since he's been teething and was sick. He has been sleeping better since he got over his flu though, and that has been nice. Now, however, it seems as though his sleep patterns are changing, and that he may not be needing two naps during the day. It's been a little bit stressful for me - because his nighttime sleep now seems to be very dependent on his daytime naps. The last couple of nights that he slept all the way through, he only got two 45 minute naps during the day. That is fine and dandy, except those naps were in the car, and it's hard to recreate that in the crib! Today I was going to try and skip his morning nap altogether, but by 10:00am he was so wiped I had to put him down. I thought I'd just wake him up after 45 minutes, but let's face it - when your baby is asleep it is SO hard to wake them up. He ended up napping for 1.5 hours. Now this afternoon he went down again at 3:30 - so I'm going to try and keep it to only about a 30 minute nap. All this messed up napping has me frustrated. I like routine and schedules, and trying to learn a new one during this new phase irritates me. Also, with all our Christmas gatherings coming up I am stressing out about how we can balance all the lack of napping and staying up late. I think we're going to be two very tired parents.

If anyone has any suggestions on this matter, I would be appreciative!

Sunday, December 2

Christmas Card Exchange?

I just had a thought today, so I need your feedback. I would love to send all my blog readers/lurkers Christmas cards - but there is no way that I could do that. I was wondering if you would all like to participate in a card exchange? You would email me your mailing address and email address. Then I would email you back with the name and address of another one of my blog readers, and you would send a card to them. That way we all get a card in the mail from a blogger, and it's just kind of fun to get a card from someone you may or may not know! Plus, it will save a few trees if I don't have to send out a billion Christmas cards, and James won't lose his college fund to postage bills! If you are interested in participating, please email me with your mailing address and email address by December 9th. There is a link at the top of my blog that says "Email me". Click there to send. Thanks! I hope you can all be a part of the fun!

Friday, November 30

I'm So Happy & Proud

I had a really neat kind of day today. James went to my mom's before his morning nap so that Ryan and I could get all dressed up in "business casual" attire. I donned black nylons, black dress pants, a black sweater with a faux dress shirt under it in gold/pink/white, and my NEW black heels from Aldo. I straightened my hair - and put on a necklace, AND dangly earrings. I did my makeup. I sprayed on a little eau de "Black Raspberry and Vanilla". I was looking good.

Ryan sported a silver/grey dress shirt, and a black suit. He gelled his hair. He dabbed on a little Aqua Velva. He looked smashing!
So off we went to the Winnipeg Convention Centre for the National Philantropy Day Awards Luncheon. We were invited into the "Guests of Honor" lounge where hors d'oeurves and beverages were served. We caroused with some high-flutin' Manitobans, such as a former Mayor of Winnipeg, Gail Asper, newpaper columnists, business people, sponsors and photographers. It was fun!
After all the carousing, we were escorted into the dining room - at which time I ran into a friend of ours who works at Inner City Youth Alive (an organization that works to get inner city kids off the streets). We chatted for a while, and it was a pleasant conversation. We all headed into the dining room, and saw a table of Ryan's relatives. We said our hellos, but were soon asked to take our seats. We headed up to table #4.
At our table was Mr. John Buhler (of Buhler Industries) and his wife. There was a lady who I can't remember the name of, and a man from Wawanesa Insurance. Also at our table was Mr. Lewis Tropel (the grandson to Ben Moss) (yes, the jeweller), and his mother, and last but not least - my mother and father in law, the guests of honor.
We listened to some speeches and as usual, I was moved. I like to hear about the successes (and failures) of others - and then see them make something of it. I was inspired. After lunch, which was chicken, slivered mixed veggies and baby potatoes, the awards were given.
The first introduction made tears well up in my eyes. The MC spoke of a humble, quiet couple who has given to the community in countless ways. Colleagues and family had only wonderful things to say about them. They were good people. Blessed people. Sharing people. These were my parents in law. I was so proud of them as they went to the front to be awarded the National Philanthrophy Day "Outstanding Philanthropists" Award. It was hard for me to hold back the tears as my father in law spoke. His words were few, but profound as he said, "I have a beautiful wife, two wonderful sons who married beautiful wives, and four incredible grandchildren. If I didn't do it for anyone else, I would do it for them".

Congratulations Mom and Dad - we are VERY proud of you!

Thursday, November 29

Birthday Party Photos

Sorry I'm so late in posting pictures from James' birthday party. He has had the stomach flu this week, with an ear infection to top it all off. Needless to say, it's been a little bit of a rough week. However, we are on the mend - James is on medication, and things are looking up! So, without further ado, here are the party pics...

Friday, November 23

Neighbour Boys in the Snow

"Mom? Mom?! I'm falling..." (Isaiah)

Wednesday, November 21


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. ~ James 1:17 ~

Last year, a mere twelve months ago, as of six minutes ago, I was holding in my arms the most precious gift - our son James. I am very emotional about his birthday today. Each hour that passes I am reminded about where we were, and what we (I) was doing last year. I will never forget that day as long as I live. It truly was the best day of my life - sorry dear, our wedding day was great too - but having James was incredible.

I cannot sum up in enough words what this last year has been like for me. It was fantastic, but extremely hard all at the same time. I've learned amazing things, about myself, about James, about parenting, about relationships, about patience... about God. He has been my strength, and in the times this past year where I felt I was failing He lifted me up.

It's been the most amazing thing to watch my son go from the womb to walking in all the span of one short year! He is such a precious gift, and we seem to feel more and more that way each day. We can't get enough of him (okay, well, sometimes I can get enough of him). Every moment we are blessed to have him in our lives, we are so thankful, overjoyed and abundantly happy. He is happy, healthy, beautiful, loving, and one big jokester! He brings light to our lives. We are having his birthday party on Saturday, with friends and family. I can hardly wait! It's an Elmo themed party - only because I got all this cute Elmo party stuff at Target. I can hardly wait to open gifts with him, and let him eat CAKE!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with our son James. Thank you for thinking that we would be good parents for him, and continue to guide us as we raise him. I pray that he will grow to love You, and to want to know You. I pray blessings on Him Lord, and ask You to watch over him. Please keep him safe, and protect him from all things evil. May each new day of this new year for him reveal something exciting, and something new to learn. Grant me patience and wisdom as he discovers new things, and give me energy for the times when I feel I have no more to give. Lord, may James be a blessing to all those that he meets. I pray that he will be a strong man of God. I pray that he will be smart, and wise, caring and loving. Again Lord, thank you for our beautiful son. We love him immensely, and we are so glad he is ours. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Tuesday, November 20

The Sequel

Some of you may remember the memorable video I posted on this date last year. If you missed it (or if you want to have a good laugh again), you can watch it by clicking here.

For those that remember it (and are still haunted), here is the sequel...

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Wednesday, November 14

Pure Joy

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

I have been pushing myself lately to learn how to complain less. It is so easy to complain, and yet when a person looks at the world as a whole, there is actually very little about my life that I can truly complain about.
It is easy to complain about a job you dislike. However, a person could learn to be thankful for an income, and a way of being able to put food on the table, and home to live in.
It is easy to complain about the cold weather. However, cold weather forces families to be kept inside, and new memories can be made by spending time together.
It is easy to complain about the government. However, although we may not support all of their decisions, living under the order of a dictator and communism would be much worse.
Sometimes it is also easy to complain about our children, and the things they do that irritate us, worry us, annoy us, tire us. When discussing this with my Bible study group last week, a friend of mine said, "I guess instead of complaining about my son teething, I should just be thankful that he'll have teeth!". Over the last week, the idea of being thankful for things I would usually complain about has become more and more profound. I definately find myself having more joy, and I find myself enjoying James a lot more too.

Daddy and James in the pool at our hotel this weekend.

I've been trying to see his stages more like little memories that are going to soon fade away - so instead of complaining about how he always hangs onto my legs, I am learning to cherish the fact that he wants to be near to me. I've also been embracing his naptime wake-ups (which requires me to stop what I'm doing and rock him back to sleep as I just had to do now), as little moments where I get to be a comfort and cuddle with my son. I have recently seen that these little moments are going to become fewer and fewer.There are often days when my husband will come home from work, and I'll complain about how sore my back is from having spent so much of my day leaning over to walk with James. I don't complain about that anymore, and if I do, only with laughter. One day those little hands will no longer want to embrace my hands for support, and will eventually reach for someone else's hand in love. I hope I never complain about walking with James again.

The more I think about it, the more I find myself making changes to my thoughts about things I regularly complain(ed) about. While we were away this weekend, James would often wake from his naps crying, because of the strange surroundings. Upon going to pick him up after one of his naps, and having him lay with his head on my shoulder after his little wake-up scare I found myself broken down in tears. How I wish I could prevent him from ever being scared! How I wish I could keep all bad things from him! How I wish he would never be sad, frightened, lonely, or unhappy. I thought of all the many children in the world that quiver in fear at the sight of their own mother or father entering their room. I held James very close as I prayed to my dear Lord that he would never know such fear as that.

I was then reminded how the Lord is my Father. He is a Father that has blessed me with all these things that bring me joy, and how do I thank Him? I complain. How can I pray and ask Him for things when I am not thankful for what I already have? To top it all off, my Heavenly Father has blessed me with forgiveness, mercy, grace and the promise of eternal life. He died for me - in the same way that I would give up my life for James. He took all that for me. He has bore all my sins - every single one. How I long to show this love to James, that he would grow up and choose to love Jesus too.

I hope that by hearing his mother be thankful in all situations (to the best of my ability), he will see a glimpse of Christ through me. I know I will never be perfect in this endeavor, and there are times when a person needs to speak about their frustrations. I hope that I can show my son all the things that God has given us to bring us joy. He gave us so much, that He even chose to give us His son. That is a sacrifice I cannot imagine giving to anyone. Could I even be as brave as Abraham was, and lay my son on an alter to die if the Lord asked me to? It seems unthinkable. I want to be a mother that could exemplify a faith such as that. I pray today that I will be such a mother. A mother that my son will look up to, and see Christ through. I challenge you today to start finding the joy in the things that cause you to complain. I hope that in doing so, you will find the pure joy that I am just beginning to see.

Keep smiling, as it makes you look so beautiful! God bless, and thank you for sharing this moment with me!

Tuesday, November 6

A Warning Message

I received an email today from my cousin regarding the new Nicole Kidman movie coming out for kids. The movie is called "The Golden Compass". The following is the email I received, as well as quotes I found on the Focus on the Family Plugged In website:

There is a kids movie coming out on December 7, 2007 starring Nicole Kidman. I believe it's called The Golden Compass, and while it will be a watered down version, it is based on a series of children's books about killing God (It is the anti-Narnia). Please follow this link, and then pass it on. From what I understand, the hope is to get a lot of kids to see the movie - which won't seem too bad - and then get the parents to buy the books for their kids for Christmas. The quotes from the author sum it all up:

QUOTE: "Atheism suggests a degree of certainty that I'm not quite willing to accede. I suppose, technically, you'd have to put me down as an agnostic. But if there is a God, and he is as the Christians describe him, then he deserves to be put down and rebelled against. As you look back over the history of the Christian church, it's a record of terrible infamy and cruelty and persecution and tyranny. How they have the bloody nerve to go on Thought for the Day and tell us all to be good when, given the slightest chance, they'd be hanging the rest of us and flogging the homosexuals and persecuting the witches." —Philip Pullman, author of the fantasy series His Dark Materials (the first installment of which, The Golden Compass, hits the big screen on Dec. 7). On his writing desk, Pullman has a note he wrote that says, "So: There is a God, but he is a liar and he's mortal," a sentence which does an excellent job of summarizing the spiritual message of his series. Pullman has not been reticent about whom he's targeting with that message: kids. "I wanted to reach everyone," he said, "and the best way I could do that was to write for children." [, 1/29/02]

His Dark Materials is actually a loose—turned-on-its-head—retelling of John Milton's Paradise Lost. One of the central themes of that epic poem is the fall of humankind in Genesis, about which Pullman says, "[It was] a fall into grace, towards wisdom, not something that leads to sin, death, misery, hell—and Christianity." And about Eve, he said, "Eve is my great heroine: She wondered what it would be like if she did as the serpent suggested and ate the fruit. Good for her. What a pompous little prig she would have been if she had said, 'No, I mustn't.'" [, 1/29/02;, 2000]

QUOTE: "I was raised Catholic. The Catholic Church is part of my essence. I wouldn't be able to do [The Golden Compass] if I thought it were at all anti-Catholic." —actress Nicole Kidman, commenting on the fact that negative references to Catholicism and the Church have purportedly been trimmed in the film adaptation of The Golden Compass. Instead of referring directly to Catholicism and/or the Church, the malevolent organization that tortures children (yes, that's in the book) is simply called the Magisterium. While Kidman might think that solves the problem, anyone familiar with that term's usage in the Catholic Church will know better. Magisterium is a technical ecclesiological word used broadly in Catholicism to denote the church's authority to dispense truth, as well as the collection of bishops and the pope who communicate theological truth. [Entertainment Weekly, 8/24/07;;;]

Sunday, November 4

Blogger's Block

I wanted to write something today that would be encouraging, uplifting, motivating, inspiring... but I have been sitting here for almost an hour now, and just completely erased everything that I just typed.

Because, the truth is I haven't been focusing on God properly lately, and it's noticeable. I haven't been doing my daily Bible reading. I haven't been starting off my day with prayer, and then following up with positive thoughts about how I want my day to go. I haven't been grabbing the opportunities that have been thrown in my path. I haven't done much of anything for God at all (or so it feels). I've been worrying. I've been neglecting. I've been chasing "other gods", so to speak. And that's the plain truth.

I could blame it on things like "I'm busy", "I'm tired", blah, blah, blah... Or I could start making up things in my head, and blame my friends like "Well, this wouldn't happen if someone would just call to encourage me every now and then". Then I could just sink into a nice hole of self pity, and stay there a while. Wouldn't that be nice? Funny how the devil almost makes me believe that it feels good to feel bad.

Somedays I forget about the book I once read by Max Lucado called "It's Not About Me". The truth is, it's about God. Everything is about God. My very existance is about God. HE DIED FOR ME. What should I do for the One that died for me? I should be living, breathing, speaking, moving for God. I am such a selfish, ridiculous sinner.

Tomorrow I am going to refocus my thoughts and my priorities. I am going to wake up and start my day with God. I am going to be available to Him in any way I can. I am going to do my Bible reading. I am going to ask Him to use me tomorrow in a positive way, to show a glimpse of Him somehow, to someone. I'm going to call a friend, and encourage them. I'm going to live my life to honour the One who died for me... and I am going to start with tomorrow.

Ah, now I feel just a little bit better.

But all of us who are Christians... reflect like mirrors the glory of the Lord.

~ 2 Corinthians 3:18 ~

Monday, October 22

Eleven Months Old

Wow, as if I have an eleven month-old! Just one more month, and he's one. I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. I know, I know - that's what every one always says, but you never really know what they mean until you have a child of your own.

<----- James in his box fort. One of his favourite things to play with!

James has learned a lot of things this month! He is standing on his own, although he still needs furniture to help him get up. He has taken a few steps too, his record being 5. He has learned to open the CD player, turn the light switch on and off, and drinks from a sippy cup on his own. He has also ventured into the world of speech this month! Some of the words he says consistently are "dada", "hi", "hi titty" (for kitty), "gamma" (grandma), "a-dun" (all done), "mum", and "ba-ba" (bye bye). I'm sure he has said some other words too, but he doesn't always repeat them so it's hard to know. I am quite proud of his vocabulary! He is also the proud new owner of 6 teeth, and I think there are more on their way. He has also become more interested in hearing me read stories, and he LOVES music. Actually, he has said "moo-shik" which I think is "music". If the radio isn't on first thing in the morning, he will immediately crawl to it and say "uh? uh?" for me to come turn it on. It has to play ALL day! He loves trucks and balls. He will line up his little cars on the window sill, and then knock them off with shouts of triumph. He loves food - and hasn't really refused anything we've offered him yet.

For the last four weeks James has been sick on and off, as well as the rest of the family. This has included congestion, fever and vomiting. At the same time, it seems he has developed a major case of separation anxiety, and has to be glued to me at all times. This makes me feel loved, but very claustrophobic! I hope he grows out of it soon. He is still going to bed at 8:00pm, and getting up super early - sometimes before 6:00am. We also hope he grows out of that soon too!

Thanks for following along on my journey... the next big milestone is the big ONE!

Thursday, October 18

Another Baby Attack Reported!

Another baby attack was caught on camera this week. James P., just shy of 11 months old, is seen here attacking his neighbour lady Rebekah. She was just able to snap this photo before the baby launched into full attack mode. Seen behind him, his accomplice, and son to the victim, Isaiah. Charges have not been laid, but "the assaults will likely continue until somebody lays down the law" the mother of the attacker said yesterday. For more photos of this viciously cute duo, see Rebekah's blog.

Wednesday, October 10

Under the Weather

Hello friends! I haven't been posting much in the last few weeks because lately I've been trying to get as much rest as I can while James is napping (which is my usual blogging time). We seem to be on-and-off under the weather over here. Some of it is teething for James. I'm quite sure he has 3 teeth trying to make their way through on the top. This has been causing some disruptions in the night, as well as very fussy, whiny days. On top of that, he seems to have a little touch of the flu - and has been a little pukey. I've had cold symptoms on-and-off for almost two or three weeks now too. It is also combined with a mild sore throat that comes back everytime we have a bad night. Needless to say it's been a little bit of a tough week for me.
On top of that, I am also dealing with a couple of different personal and family issues that are really dragging me down. I don't want to mention it all here on the blog, but I just feel defeated in many ways. I am really not used to feeling that way - I tend to enjoy feeling happy and positive - so this depressing, down feeling is not good. It keeps me up at night too, and I'm already not getting good sleep, so something has got to change soon.
To top it off, I was looking forward to watching a movie with Ryan last night that I had rented on Friday (week long rental). We were all settled in, with a big pot of tea, when I opened up the case to put in the DVD. Wouldn't you know it?! It was the wrong movie in the case, and it was one that we had seen, and it was one that we didn't care to watch again. Grrrrrr...
Sorry for the grumpy post. That's just life at the Plett's right now. I've never really liked the transition into winter either. It's that moist, bone-chilling cold that I don't like - and the trees are no longer pretty colours of orange and yellow. Everything just kind of gets muddy in October. Alright, enough complaining...
On the BRIGHT side, James has learned some really cute things this week. He puts up one finger when we say "Is James going to be one?". He is also walking along furniture, and occasionally taking one or two steps towards us. He really loves his Nuby Grip 'n Sip cups, and drinks from it all day when I leave it out with water. This should help with the transition off of the bottle. He also had his first tumble down the stairs, which isn't exactly a highlight of our weekend. It was on Sunday morning, and I was right behind him as he made his usual bee-line for the stairs. In the past, he has always hesitated and stopped before actually going down. Well, on Sunday he decided to just go for it. THANK GOODNESS it was the stairs with rug, and the shortest flight too - just four steps. He rolled down like a ragdoll, and I thought I was going to die. When he landed on his back on the landing, and started to cry and move I started to laugh. I was just so thankful that he was okay, my emotions just came out as laughter! He didn't seem to have any bruises or marks at all. Ryan is picking up another baby gate today.

Friday, September 28


I need all of you prayer warriors, and those of you who believe in the fragility of life to pray. I am a part of an online message board for moms with babies born in the same month as James. This week one of the moms posted that her 16 year-old sister just found out that she is about 2 months pregnant. The teenage girl is very seriously thinking of aborting her baby, because "she doesn't think she could give the baby up (for adoption) once it is born". I am SO incredibly angry that the devil has made this girl think that her "unseen" baby is worth nothing. I am praying for a change of heart in this girl, and for protection for the little unborn child. Please, please pray with me - I believe a miracle can happen. I won't let this little baby die without a good Spiritual battle first!

If you support my cause, please ask for prayer on your blogs as well. Consider this a blogger prayer-chain request.

Thursday, September 27

I Hate It When...

... I get a hole in my favourite jeans.
This one was worth it though - crawling around after James is one of the most fun ways to wear out a pair of pants. It also seems to be a good weight loss technique. I've lost 5 pounds in the last month! Woohoo!

Tuesday, September 25


Do you ever wonder if you are being lead by the Spirit? Today I was feeling like I should write a post about being Heaven-minded or Earthly-minded, and I thought maybe it was the Spirit leading. When I sat down to write it - my mind went blank. I couldn't think of what I wanted to say, or how I wanted to say it. Is that strange? Or maybe the Spirit actually wanted me to write about being Spirit-lead instead! Hahaha! He tricked me! Anyway, I'm learning a lot about allowing the Spirit to lead me - and trying to learn to be more open to that leading. It's hard! Sometimes I don't want to do the things I feel lead to do... like call a particular church committee to tell them I would gladly participate. I don't really want to get too involved right now, on this particular committee - but I feel a strong push from the Spirit to do it. Ironically, when I was asked to join the committee I prayed about it. I asked God to give me a strong feeling about whether or not to join... and now He is! In any case, I don't really know where I am going with this post, because really I'm just rambling. Maybe the Spirit really has inspired me to write something though that will inspire you today to become more Spirit-lead. I have to go and make a phone call to that committee now!

P.S. The posted photo is actually my nephew Thomas. The picture was taken by his mommy, who thought he looked very angelic - so I used my Photoshop powers to really take the angelic photo to the next level. I thought it was an appropriate photo, and too cute not to share!

Saturday, September 22

Blogger Brunch Report

The Blogger Brunch was a total flop. We didn't have any fun, and I will never do it again....
HA! THAT IS A COMPLETE LIE! It was SO much fun! I'm really sorry that many of you were forced to miss it due to family events, illness, and things like that. We had a really great time, and there was no lack of things to talk about - but mostly we talked about blogging, the small world we live in, and... KIDS! It was so neat to put some faces (and voices) to the names and writings of some of my favourite blogging women. I was inspired to keep going in my blogging - and enjoyed hearing other ladies blogging stories. This is DEFINATELY going to happen again, and hopefully more of you will be able to attend.

What started out as being a fairly large expected group of about 20 turned into a small group of nine of us. This was not all bad though, because we really got to connect one-on-one a little more. We had a great meal together, and then were privileged to hear Darlene share a few thoughts. Door prizes were donated by Blessings and Darlene's own book. Very cool! Next year we'll go even bigger I hope!

Of course, it wouldn't be a true blog post without the photo...
From left: Stacey, with Bria, myself, Ruth, Darlene, Sara & Jobina
(Missing: Heather & Lindsey - sorry girls!)

Friday, September 21

Results of Ten Month Photoshoot

"Ah! No James! Don't come to Mommy!"

"James. James. J... nevermind!"

"Hello? Why are you looking at the wall?"

"Oh you are a goof!"

"Okay, well at least pose with mommy."

These photos pretty much sum up life with a ten month old!

Happy 10 months James! We love you so incredibly much!

Thursday, September 20

Rainy Day Fun

Chocolate pudding in the sink!

Time to clean up!

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Tuesday, September 18

Tink! Tink! A New Tooth!

He's been a little fussy, occasionally pouty, extremely drooly, somewhat whiney, very chewy, a bit swollen, and doing lots of biting... so, today we did the "spoon test". It went "tink, tink". And wouldn't you know it! There is a new top tooth peeking out! Way to go James - soon you'll look just like a hillbilly beaver!

(I am so mad that this picture is blurry. He was posing perfectly, and the lighting was beautiful. Oh well, still cute).