Wednesday, October 10

Under the Weather

Hello friends! I haven't been posting much in the last few weeks because lately I've been trying to get as much rest as I can while James is napping (which is my usual blogging time). We seem to be on-and-off under the weather over here. Some of it is teething for James. I'm quite sure he has 3 teeth trying to make their way through on the top. This has been causing some disruptions in the night, as well as very fussy, whiny days. On top of that, he seems to have a little touch of the flu - and has been a little pukey. I've had cold symptoms on-and-off for almost two or three weeks now too. It is also combined with a mild sore throat that comes back everytime we have a bad night. Needless to say it's been a little bit of a tough week for me.
On top of that, I am also dealing with a couple of different personal and family issues that are really dragging me down. I don't want to mention it all here on the blog, but I just feel defeated in many ways. I am really not used to feeling that way - I tend to enjoy feeling happy and positive - so this depressing, down feeling is not good. It keeps me up at night too, and I'm already not getting good sleep, so something has got to change soon.
To top it off, I was looking forward to watching a movie with Ryan last night that I had rented on Friday (week long rental). We were all settled in, with a big pot of tea, when I opened up the case to put in the DVD. Wouldn't you know it?! It was the wrong movie in the case, and it was one that we had seen, and it was one that we didn't care to watch again. Grrrrrr...
Sorry for the grumpy post. That's just life at the Plett's right now. I've never really liked the transition into winter either. It's that moist, bone-chilling cold that I don't like - and the trees are no longer pretty colours of orange and yellow. Everything just kind of gets muddy in October. Alright, enough complaining...
On the BRIGHT side, James has learned some really cute things this week. He puts up one finger when we say "Is James going to be one?". He is also walking along furniture, and occasionally taking one or two steps towards us. He really loves his Nuby Grip 'n Sip cups, and drinks from it all day when I leave it out with water. This should help with the transition off of the bottle. He also had his first tumble down the stairs, which isn't exactly a highlight of our weekend. It was on Sunday morning, and I was right behind him as he made his usual bee-line for the stairs. In the past, he has always hesitated and stopped before actually going down. Well, on Sunday he decided to just go for it. THANK GOODNESS it was the stairs with rug, and the shortest flight too - just four steps. He rolled down like a ragdoll, and I thought I was going to die. When he landed on his back on the landing, and started to cry and move I started to laugh. I was just so thankful that he was okay, my emotions just came out as laughter! He didn't seem to have any bruises or marks at all. Ryan is picking up another baby gate today.


Nin said...

I find that when I'm under a lot of stress, or have a lot on my mind, that my emotions come out as laughter too! It's neat how God designed us to have release.
There definately is something a bit saddening about the trees losing their leaves....they look dead, and death is never something we want to look at, especially if things seem a little off in our lives to begin with.
Try and remember that the enemy doesn't bother anyone who isn't a threat to him. So whatever it is that you're walking through, he knows that if you walk in faith, that the things of the kingdom will happen. I heard someone say once that our faith is the victory. No matter what happens it doesn't matter, cuz it's our FAITH that brings glory to God. So whatever season you're walking through, your faith is your victory! Faith that God never changes, even though we look outside and at our lives and see so much change and chaos, He remains true.
Be blessed, God wants to reveal more of Himself to you.

Renee Shaw said...

I remember Preston's 1st tumble down the stairs...and the 2nd and It happened a few times, they get over quickly and learn fast!

Janelle said...

oh sweetie.
"His strength is perfect when our strength is GONE. He'll carry us, when we can't carry on."
here's to a way better end of the week. love you lots.

Andrea said...

What a week! Hopefully you are all feeling better soon...and I know all about that horrible feeling of watching your child tumble down the stairs! Tate did the same thing this week...thankfully the carpeted, 4 stair staircase too...but still!!! Scary! :) But he was fine of course... :)

Elina said...

Teething... ugh... I can relate. Brendan cut his first tooth on Aug 24 and is about to cut his SIXTH! Yeah, been a rough month. Hoping and praying this turn around a little!

Kell Rees said...

We've had a few tumbles and fall too but like you we just went out and purchased more baby gates.
I hope you are all feeling better soon. I'm right there with you on not posting anything lately sometimes you just need time off to relax and nap!!!

Roo said...

thinking of you and hoping your health and your heart are being strengthenned (even as i type this).

shalom and much love, xo

Ang said...

K, now you have to kiss that head again for me. Not the stairs! A kitty fell from the shed and landed in the middle of Simon's head and bounced onto the ground today. Hardly made a whine. Amazing little toughies, them.

Anonymous said...

I can feel for you since I've been struggling as well with some kind of bug for weeks - oh yes, and I too loath the thought of winter coming!!
Hope you're feeling better soon - hang in there!!