Monday, October 22

Eleven Months Old

Wow, as if I have an eleven month-old! Just one more month, and he's one. I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. I know, I know - that's what every one always says, but you never really know what they mean until you have a child of your own.

<----- James in his box fort. One of his favourite things to play with!

James has learned a lot of things this month! He is standing on his own, although he still needs furniture to help him get up. He has taken a few steps too, his record being 5. He has learned to open the CD player, turn the light switch on and off, and drinks from a sippy cup on his own. He has also ventured into the world of speech this month! Some of the words he says consistently are "dada", "hi", "hi titty" (for kitty), "gamma" (grandma), "a-dun" (all done), "mum", and "ba-ba" (bye bye). I'm sure he has said some other words too, but he doesn't always repeat them so it's hard to know. I am quite proud of his vocabulary! He is also the proud new owner of 6 teeth, and I think there are more on their way. He has also become more interested in hearing me read stories, and he LOVES music. Actually, he has said "moo-shik" which I think is "music". If the radio isn't on first thing in the morning, he will immediately crawl to it and say "uh? uh?" for me to come turn it on. It has to play ALL day! He loves trucks and balls. He will line up his little cars on the window sill, and then knock them off with shouts of triumph. He loves food - and hasn't really refused anything we've offered him yet.

For the last four weeks James has been sick on and off, as well as the rest of the family. This has included congestion, fever and vomiting. At the same time, it seems he has developed a major case of separation anxiety, and has to be glued to me at all times. This makes me feel loved, but very claustrophobic! I hope he grows out of it soon. He is still going to bed at 8:00pm, and getting up super early - sometimes before 6:00am. We also hope he grows out of that soon too!

Thanks for following along on my journey... the next big milestone is the big ONE!


Wenona said...

Look at how big he is getting! I can't believe it's been almost a year since we checked your blog numerous times a day to see if your little one was born yet. Unreal!! He is soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

So your 11 month old can already say way more words than my 16 month old. Sick! :)

Jamie said...

That IS an impressive vocabulary! Keziah is not saying anything yet -but Micah was saying a couple of things at this age. It sounds like James will be walking before he hits his 1st birthday!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Happy 11 months buddy!

-Me- said...

lhHappy 11 months James! Don't you just wish you had a "stop-time" machine sometimes?? They really grow up way too fast!!!! Very exciting that he is talking and taking steps, go James go!!

Jamie said...

This is truely how I know time is really flying by me. Other peoples children. I know mine grow just as fast but it doesn't always feel that way. James is so darn cute. I just love your pictures.

Gina said...

Happy 11 month James, you are such a cutie, and I love your big blue eyes!

Dianna said...

11 months old already??!! It doesn't seem that long ago when I read that your little trooper made it into this world! Time flies....

Summer said...

HAPPY 11 months James!!!

Drea said...

It does go by fast... love the box fort!

Erica H said...

Wow! He's REALLY talking!!! He can definitely talk circles around my little girl! :) I can't believe our babies will be ONE!!! Time goes so quick...