Friday, September 28


I need all of you prayer warriors, and those of you who believe in the fragility of life to pray. I am a part of an online message board for moms with babies born in the same month as James. This week one of the moms posted that her 16 year-old sister just found out that she is about 2 months pregnant. The teenage girl is very seriously thinking of aborting her baby, because "she doesn't think she could give the baby up (for adoption) once it is born". I am SO incredibly angry that the devil has made this girl think that her "unseen" baby is worth nothing. I am praying for a change of heart in this girl, and for protection for the little unborn child. Please, please pray with me - I believe a miracle can happen. I won't let this little baby die without a good Spiritual battle first!

If you support my cause, please ask for prayer on your blogs as well. Consider this a blogger prayer-chain request.


Roo said...

praying. keep us posted.


Summer said...

hope she doesnt go through with it!! I agree with Ruth, keep us posted!

Dianna said...

Was that picture on Focus on the family [James Dobson] I read it once and was shocked and heartbroken what all goes on with abortion. It's heartbreaking. We definately need to bring it out in the open more and be more vocal about breaks my heart. May God have mercy on their soul for most of them don't know what they are doing. I'm praying..

Anonymous said...

praying as well

Trail Rider said...

Killing unborn babies is so hard for me to hear, talk about and think of! I don't know how our world has been BRAINWASHED into thinking that these little humans are not humans???!!!

I will pray for an intervention today that God can step in and SAVE THE LIFE of this little one. It deserves a chance to live!

The mom needs to take responsibility for her choices. God help us!!!!