Wednesday, September 12

Had to Post

Just a disclaimer about the following video: I just happened to fall upon this video today, and I can't stop crying. It is not heartwarming, and it will not make you feel joy. However, the faith of this family, and their trust in God is uplifting. I am making today a prayer day for little baby Kaleb, and I hope you will too... be blessed today, and hug your children extra close. I know I will be.


Kim Funk said...

Oh my goodness..thanks for shareing that...i want to share that on my blog so that others can be aware of this little boy and pray for him.

Erica H said...

Thank you SO much for sharing that. I have been crying like a baby...I'm such a suck when I hear of babies struggling for their lives in the NICU - I've seen a lot of that this year!

Summer said...

That is so sad!!! I watched a while back and i couldn't believe that someome could do that to a little defensiveless baby!1 I hope who ever did this is in jail for a long time!!

Drea said...

she has a myspace... the mother that is... cant even imagine.. the fact her sons name is Kaleb hit home for me.. since I have a Caleb. I cant believe anyone could ever harm a child like that. So sad. Great post