Thursday, September 20

Rainy Day Fun

Chocolate pudding in the sink!

Time to clean up!

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Kell Rees said...

At least that way you know you won't be cleaning pudding off your carpet. I wonder if both my kids would fit in the sink!

Erica H said...

GREAT idea, Heather! Very clever! I feel so bad that I won't get to make it to the blogger brunch. :( Our place is STILL not packed! Eeeek. Oh, and a reply on your comment on my facebook - Yes, Megan is from the States! BUT she has considered coming up to Southern Manitoba to do a shoot if she can get 5-7 people to make it worth her trip. I know Brandi was interested in the past...She is AWE-mazing! (I think my computer has a virus - so I can recieve messages on facebook, but can't reply on others). Have fun tomorrow - without me. :(

Nin said...

aw!! what an awesome idea!!!!!!!!!
Me thinks my little one will be doing that also...
it's funny how people will have such simple ideas, but others don't even think of them! I hate cleaning yucky food messes, so what a neat solution! Maybe I'll stick him in the sink for every meal! lol!

Anonymous said...

I can't actually take credit for this brainiac idea. Another mom that I know online did it with her daughter, but she did it in the tub. I thought it was a great idea too - except I opted for the sink instead. There is less space to slip and get hurt. Chocolate pudding is also not on James' regular menu. In fact, this was probably his first taste! But pudding seemed so much more fun than yogurt, or fruit.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I'll have to try that one of these days.

Janelle said...

oh my goodness Heather! that's one of the best ideas i've seen in a long time - and it ends up with cute pics too!! what a precious little man.

Anonymous said...

He is SUCH a cutie!!!

Renee Shaw said...

I love the pudding in the sink thing! I never thought of that, when Izzy is old enough I think I will, it just looks so cute!

gloria said...

Hi. I came this way via Lindsay, and I just had to say that you have absolutely the cutest baby I have seen in a long time!