Monday, April 5


Today my heart broke.

I was trying to get something out of a cupboard, while James stood below me and was busy telling me all about his cars. I didn't immediately answer him, because I was reading labels. Then he said, "Mommy, you are always busy".

"Yes, I am!" I replied.

"You are always so busy that you don't talk to me".

Stab me in the heart and turn the knife.

Drive me over with a Hummer.

Shoot me square in the head.

That hurt. I knew it actually wasn't the least bit true, but it hurt.

Was I really so busy that even my three year-old felt neglected?

I just felt crushed.

I came down off the chair, and just started to cry.

At that moment, Rayya decided to wake up an hour too early from her nap, meaning that now James would get even less of my attention.

Suddenly, I was overcome by the enemy.

I began to believe that I was a horrible mommy.

I don't make enough time for my kids.

I'm too busy doing unnecessary things.

I'm a waste.

I'm a failure.

I'm not beautiful.

I suck.

*insert pitiful sobs here*

The lies grew in my heart until I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to flee the house. Get away from it. Get away from all the things that made me "too busy" for my kids. So I packed them up in my tears, all the while explaining to James that I was crying because I was sad, not because of him, and that I needed to talk to grandma because I wasn't sure if I was a good mommy.

When we got to my mom's, she was outside in the yard and James immediately went to her and said, "We came over because mommy is sad and crying because she's not a good mommy."

My mom asked him, "Do you think she's a good mommy?".

Of course James said, "Yes".

But it didn't erase the damage that the enemy had done.

I was a wreck.

I still am a little bit.

I feel overwhelmed.


Afraid... of nothing.

Get behind me satan.

Lord, keep me strong.

Stand before me, and show me Thy truth.


Robin Fehr said...

Ouch, that does sound rough! Thankfully Grandma is close by! James is very right the last time around! You ARE a good mommy! Hopefully you feel like one today :)

Morgan said...

I had a day like that the other day. It's so hard trying to find that balance. Big hugs you're way. And YOU ARE AN AWESOME MOMMY! I can feel the love for your kids through every word of your blog.

Morgan said...
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Carla said...

Devil I reject it!! You are a great Mommy!

maresi said...

Yikes. That attack can't have felt good. I'm thinking of and praying for you!

Erica H said...

Oh Heather...I know. I've been there before, too. That is where the enemy knows how to attack us mom's - by saying we're "not good enough". But in reality you are giving James and Rayya an amazing life, one that is better that a lot of kids in this world.
- you aren't abusive.
- you're able to be home with them ALL day long, EVERY day! That's HUUUUUGE gift to your kids.
- you teach them the love of Christ.
- and you give them a happy, healthy home. With lots and lots of love.

You're a GREAT mom!!!!

Janelle said...

oh lovie. i'm so there. the other nite Kamryn said, "mommy - you ignore me lots. and when you ignore me it makes me feel not important and like you don't love me. it hurts my feelings." ahhhhhhh!!!!
working on it...
and praying that we both can be the mommy's we want to be, and that we BELIEVE we can do it.

Dixie Vandersluys said...

I've been slowly realizing over the past few months that all of those little thoughts that are constantly in my head about being a bad mom, the thoughts that have just been there FOREVER so I hardly even notice them any more, are ALL LIES. It's tough because I DO fail as a mom, but that doesn't make me "a failure" or "horrible" or whatever string of negative thoughts come to mind.

My kids teach me so much grace in their patience with me. In fact, their grace almost makes me feel worse! But I'm slowly realizing that those thoughts are lies and it's slowly changing me.

I will definately pray for you because those kind of attacks are tough.

Kimberley said...

Praying for you and for all of us. It's terrible hard to balance everything and even our emotions. We are not bad Mom but I think we all long to be the BEST Moms, which is just impossible to do. You are doing great Heather, NEVER forget it, God gave you your kiddies because YOU are perfect for them!