Tuesday, April 13

One Night On, One Night Off

Honestly, I could go in my backyard and scream right now. The words would likely be four-lettered, and unpleasant. The phrase "roll with the punches" keeps coming to my mind, but right now I say screw that!
I like consistency. I like knowing when something is going to happen, and when. I guess I'm not keen on spontaneity - at least when it comes to my kids, and sleeping. I like a basic schedule, a regular routine naptime, and a good night's sleep - for everyone.
The last 7 months have been okay as far as sleeping I guess - if you are okay with being up 3-5 times a night. These wake-ups are short, and don't require a lot of time or work, which makes it easy to pass it off as a "good night". But they are not good nights, and doing that kind of wake-up-back-to-bed routine has taken it's toll. My interrupted sleep is not good sleep at all. Have you read about the recent studies done on sleep? If you do a CT scan on the brain of a sleep-deprived person, even if it's only an hour or two, the brain patterns resemble those of a person with psychosis. I FEEL like I'm going psycho!
So this past week Rayya has been up to something a little different. Now, with the introduction of more solids, she seems to be sleeping better. However, a better night for her means that the following days' schedule of napping get screwed, and therefore her next night is bad. Today we're on the screwed up nap schedule, which means tonight will be rough. What she does is this:
• Goes to bed for the night at 8:00pm, usually without a peep.
• On a good night there will be no wake-ups, or at most one, just to put in a soother.
• She'll sleep until 5:00am, have a bottle and go back to sleep, or on a really good night, sleep through until 8:00am or so.
• If she has a good night, she will fight her morning nap usually until I give in and keep her up. If she has a bad night, she will take about an hour long nap in the morning, about 9:00am-10:00am.
• If she skips morning nap, she will fall asleep with her midday bottle, at 12:30, which is too early.
• Then she will wake up before 3:00pm, and not go back to sleep.
• If she naps well in the afternoon (two or three hours), and wakes up around 4:00pm, she will be fine until bedtime and have a good night.
• If she doesn't have a good afternoon nap, like today, she will be exhausted by 6:00pm, but that is too late for a nap, and too early for bed. Screwed! The night ahead will either be effected by a too-late nap, or an overtired baby.
I hate this routine. I've thought about letting her cry it out, but this too comes with complications. When Rayya wakes up at night, she isn't crying. She's happy. If I let her be, she just simply coos and talks to herself until she's all wide awake and hyper - and THEN I might have to try to work to put her back to sleep. It would be easier if she would cry! I can't sleep when she's babbling to herself. And you know how everything in the house seems doubly loud at night when all else is quiet? Well, so does her talking, and squealing. So it keeps me up, and potentially could wake up all the other sleepers.
All this waking and wondering and guessing and working has me right ticked. I want sleep at night, so that I have energy to look after everyone, cook a couple of meals, and not lose my patience and my mind. I can definately tell that the sporadic behaviour of little miss Rayya is making me extremely anxious. She is happy, and for that I am SO thankful - but eventually her happiness still masks sleepiness, and she needs to get that sleep. How do you fix the miss-match of a non-routine child with a thrives-on-routine mother?

UPDATE: After getting mad and causing Rayya to cry (because I wouldn't take her out of her crib, and said in a firm voice "no, it's sleeping time"), she has finally fallen to sleep again. I snuck in there to watch her, and immediately I feel guilty, and horrible for making her cry. I just pray that I can raise her to be a Godly woman, with tonnes more patience and endurance than me. I want her to love her kids more than anything, and I want her to know love and know that she is loved more than anything. All the anger melts away when I look at that little person, innocently sleeping, knowing nothing more than her mommy will be there to get her when she wakes up. Why do I get so stressed about this sleep thing? I just want to enjoy every moment, and love every moment, but I get caught up in the frustrations of the moment instead. Argh.


Wenona said...

Oh Heather, I'm so sorry you're having a rough time with sleeping. Sleep is so important, and when it's not being had, you feel like a totally out of control person. All I can say is consistency. Don't let her "win" her morning nap fight. I remember when Koen did that. Sometimes he stayed in his crib awake until it was time that he was supposed to be up, had he slept. It gets boring in there after a while, so she will know that mom won't get her, and she may as well sleep. I believe once the day time sleep is figured out, nights will follow. I'll be praying for you! Oh, and if you're interested in Baby wise stuff, there is a link on my blog called Chronicles of a Babywise Mom and it's FULL of tidbits that could help. Good luck!

Renee Shaw said...

Hi Heather,
I feel for you. Sleep is so important, especially to us moms who have to have never-ending patience to get through the day and be productive! I am the same as you, I like consistency and knowing what comes next...I like to be sponatenous, but not when it comes to the kids sleeping/eating/playing routines! haha
I second Wenona's opinion about Babywise. It is THE best book every written when it comes to schedule. There are 2 volumes, infant, and pre-toddler...I think Rayya fits in the pre-toddler age volume, but honestly reading both vollumes will help you understand the principles and the scheduling techniques. You can pick them up at any book store - here I bought mine at Coles and it was only $11.50 for the first one and the second one was given to me. It is much worth the investment, and if you follow the principles in the book consistantly you should have a better schedule within a week!!
I pray that you'll be able to find the solution and you'll soon be able to have your must needed/deserved sleep!!

Carla said...

Uggh, sleep trouble = life trouble. I'll be praying for you. I know how I feel when we are having sleep stress here!

Leslee said...

I read your story and it brings to memory the days for me when sleeping was a problem for us too...then I started putting them to bed for the night at 6:00. I know it sounds crazy, but I read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth (Chapters or McNally should both have it)I would send you mine, but it's seen better days!! It is a phenomenal book!! My husband didn't get to see much of my babies when they were small cause they went to bed so early, but my guess is what Rayya is doing is what her body tells her she needs to do...I remember not seeing much of my babies myself, cause sleep is so important at this time...6:00 bed up around 7, nap at 8:30 or 9, up at 10 and down again at 1 up at 3...Then they went to the 1 nap around 12-18 months and that was early lunch at11-1130, up at 2:30-3 and back to bed at 6...Seriously I had no life, but I had happy kids who slept all night and for me it was worth it. 6:00 also made it a great time to be with my older kids and get some great quality time in...anyways, I have given the recommendation to so many people and they have had the same results with bed times after using it...Just another suggestion for you to weed out...lol...
I am praying for you that you will have wisdom to know what to do. I haven't even met you, but I know from reading that you have great character and are a great mom to these kids that you have been given!!