Friday, April 30

Sleep & Stuff

After my last sleep-related post both the kids came down with a super awful cold. They were both congested, sneezing, coughing, fever... it was not fun. At least I could give James cough medicine! Rayya on the other hand really just had to suffer through it, with about a hundred nose wipes a day (one day she sneezed, which resulted in both nostrils blowing huge shnot bubbles, both of which burst at the same time, and completely slimed her face with shnot). I also made good use of the nasal aspirator, Vaporub, the vaporiser, and saline nose spray. It was one crazy week, but we made it through. And during that whole week, Rayya slept through the night almost perfectly - 7pm to 7am. And then she got better...
The nights haven't been too bad, except last night Rayya was up (and HAPPY as a clam) from 1:00am until almost 4:00am! This isn't horrible I guess... but I almost wish she'd cry. If she would cry, then I could let her cry it out until she got tired and went back to sleep. When she's happy, I can leave her be, but her happy noises keep me up! Then she just continues to get more and more wired until I finally have to go in and help her fall asleep, or at least go in 5-10 times to reinsert her soother to get her to calm down and fall asleep again. This is not a great trend, so I hope she's nearly done with the late night crib parties.
So, we continue to work through the sleep issues. I just don't know exactly what to do... because she isn't waking up unhappy in the night. She isn't getting any bottles all night. She just simply is waking up... so then what?


Leslee said...

Yikes...we never had the all night parties...or if they did I wasn't invited. We have always slept with a fan on in our room for noise, and I could always hear them crying over the fan, but maybe not the parties...I can do a quick check in my book and get back to you...
Does she have a fan or cool mist humidifier in her room? My kids were light sleepers and I found that either a fan or white noise machine was beautiful!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I find a fan helps too.
Thinking of you

Anonymous said...

Leslee - You might be on to something with that! The few nights that Rayya slept best was when the vaporiser was going in her room. Once she felt better, I turned it off. I'm going to try it tonight and see if it helps.

Morgan said...

I've left Owen's humidifier on and it's made a huge difference in how he sleeps...

Roo said...

we are just about turning a corner with that awful fever, cold, coughing, puking deal. so sad. eliorah had it worst and TODAY my ssiter got married and eliorah is still struggling with it which meant -- today was a hard day.


Brandi said...

Ugh! Sleep issues are no fun :( Hope you get it sorted out soon! Having the kids sick while you are trying to work on the sleeping habbits must not help. Hope you find something that works & get some very restful nights in the next while!