Sunday, April 18

Sleep Experiment - Nights Three & Four

The same trend has continued - one night on, one night off. On Friday Rayya remained on the new "schedule", and into bed by 7:00pm. It was a pretty good night, with only one or two wake-ups for the soother - I can't remember. Then last night was a bomb again, with a lot of waking up. At least I can be assured that tonight will likely be fairly decent. I don't really get this trend of good night / bad night. Nothing has changed, nothing is different... it just seems she can't have a good night two nights in a row! The more scheduled routine is nice though, and fits in nicely with giving her three meals a day - have I mentioned how she loves solids? So, we'll keep trying. The next step will be to just let her cry it out, and now that I have a sick kid I think I'll wait at least until he's better so that his sleep isn't interrupted. I'll let you know when I head into that little adventure... I think this girl is a little stronger-willed than her elder brother, and has a good set of lungs on her as well.

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