Sunday, April 11

Rayya - 7 Months

My little birdie is 7 months old already! I can't believe how the time is flying. Well, let's see... whats new with her? She is weighing in just over 14.5 lbs - which puts her in the 10th percentile for weight, which isn't awesome. So, we have to really start feeding her good and proper - and that's great, because she is finally loving solids! Everything seems to be her favourite, but I think she really likes pears and baked nectarines (who WOULDN'T love baked nectarines?!). She is also eating lots of rice and oatmeal cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, apples, bananas, pumpkin, avocado, and soon we'll try green beans. She still has a bottle every four hours or so, but the other day she only drank four - and today only three! But that may be linked to the increase in solids. She loves Baby Mum Mum cookies - though I hate letting her have them, because she makes a huge mess with them. James was a neat freak (still is), but not this girl! No, no, no! She likes things messy!
Her sleeping is still all over the place - with most nights consisting of two or three soother-reinsertion wake-ups, and one bottle wake-up sometime around 4:00 or 5:00am. Then, it can be drastically different, like last night, which was a solid sleep from 8:30pm - 8:30am! Weird.

She is sporting two front lower teeth now, which are adorable. She can sit up, though only for short periods of time. She doesn't seem to get the point of the Jolly Jumper, and when I put her in it she sort of just swings around in drunken circles. She is very "talkative", and also loves to giggle and laugh - mostly at her big brother, the clown! Her favourite toy is a goofy dragonfly that makes kind of eery girly noises.

Still easy-going, Rayya is pretty much happy all the time. We can't complain. Even when she's tired, she will usually try to keep a happy face on. She's amazing. Our little miracle takes after her brother in that she is a bit of a traffic-stopper. I don't know what it is, but my kids seem to draw a crowd in public places. I don't mind. I'm super proud of them - and they love the attention. All in all, I'm enjoying most aspects of being a mom of two. The aspects that I'm not enjoying are a post yet to come.


Wenona said...

Cutie pie! 7 months is a fun stage, they are drinking in so much of the world around them. And I think I know which toy you mean - Koen had that one too and he loved it. It does make some strange noises! lol

Domestic Bloggess said...

Those eyes - beautiful!

Carla said...

She is so sweet! It is amazing how quickly the months pass! I don't know about you but for me the second time around is going way way faster than the first!

Jamie said...

I love those big blue eyes!