So on to Rayya. Rayya has been on the bottle now since the New Year. I started her off with 4oz. bottles, and a size 2 nipple (Avent), and she drinks every three hours. She has a hard time finishing off 4oz. most of the time, and often I have to go back after an hour or so and coax her to finish off the last ounce or so. I've tried upping the nipple slow to a 3, but that is too fast for her, and she spits half of it out. Using the size 2 nipple it can take 20 minutes or more for her to finish 4oz. James at this age was guzzling 6oz. easily in a feeding, and was usually going about four hours in between. I'm okay with Rayya eating every three hours, but with her just barely getting in 4oz., that equals five and only SOMETIMES six bottles a day. That comes to about 20-24oz. in a 24 hour period - which at best is the lowest that I've ever seen recommended for a baby her age. The rule of thumb is usually 2.5oz. per lb., and Rayya is about 13lbs, which would make her recommended formula intake 32.5oz. I'm not sure if it really matters. She's content, sleeping well, and I think gaining well - though I'm gauging that simply from the perspective that she has a few rolls, and looks healthy. What do you think? Do I need to go by the book on this, or just let her eat as much (or as little) as she wants?
Thursday, February 4
More Potty Training & Formula Feeding
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The books just freak one out. go with your gut. She's sleeping and happy, right!
And I hear you on how gross those poop accidents can be
I agree with Rebekah, go with your gut. Babies eat when they are hungry. She will eat 4 oz if she is hungry for that much, otherwise she will take less. Maybe start feeding her by her cues and not the clock, she might need smaller amounts more often or she might go longer stretches and eat more at a time. Babies are smart!
I'd say if she's gaining then she's getting what she needs. Neither of my kids follow the recommended amount and they both seem to be developing just fine.
I agree that if she's gaining weight and the doctor is satisfied, then she's probably fine. I do have friends who had a baby that wasn't gaining well and they had to increase the amount of the formula in the formula, if you know what i mean. Like a higher ratio or something? So that their daughter would be taking in the same amount but getting more calories or something. I don't know. But if she seems healthy and good to you it's probably not a problem.
Hey Heather. I was recommended a really good book about feeding at all ages. it's called: "How to get your kid to eat: But not to much" By Ellyn Satter. If Raya is happy and content I would just feed her what she wants to eat. She'll let you know if she wants more. When a baby breastfeeds you don't know how much they get and so maybe that's all Rayya was needing and getting when he was nursing. Norah ate every three hours and I don't think she ever ate that much. She's always been little but I that is just how she's made to be. Hope this helps - and that's just my take on it. The book is good.
Yeah, I agree with everyone. If you're offering formula regularly, she won't let herself starve. My son always guzzled and my daughter always was a slow poke. If she still pees & poops, gains weight on the same curve as usual, I wouldn't worry.
Don't force her to finish... that's one way that breastfeeding is 'easier'. The baby just takes what he/she wants, and since you can't measure, you're not worried about getting that last ounce in. She'll let you know if she's hungry :) And she's so darn cute!
I know the old adage with older kids is that "if they're hungry, they'll eat"...I'm guessing the same is true with babies. If all else looks good then don't sweat it, just let her drink until she's done then wait until the next feeding. Her appetite will catch up eventually!
Way to go James! Potty training has it's highs and lows and successes and accidents. You're right, you are well on your way to having a potty trained boy. He's growing up so fast!
Just to echo what has already been said - don't force her to eat what "the book" says. Koen never ate more than 4 oz every 3 hours. I never had to buy a bigger bottle - he always used the infant sized ones. I could never measure when I nursed him. He was happy, content, slept well and grew normally. Sometimes we tend to overfeed them and that can actually lead to bad habits in the future - so just let Rayya be your guide and things will work out just fine!
And yay for James being almost potty trained! Accidents will happen, but he's doing so fantastic!
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